We are an IT co.
Our employees incur expenses for certain projects, which are reimbursable from our client.( these exp are viz, travel exp, visa exp, hotel exp,per diem etc)

In such cases :
a. can we raise a separate invoice on our client for reimbursable exp ? ( if yes, then whether service tax is applicable ?)
b. OR, can we raise a debit note on our client for the same ?

Also, how to keep a track on :
- exp incurred by employees,
- ensure that they are billed / raised a debit note on client &
- final receipt of those exp from client

( If possible, can someone provide me accounting entries for the same ? viz, if we need to raise invoice on client ?)


We are an IT co.
Our employees incur expenses for certain projects, which are reimbursable from our client.( these exp are viz, travel exp, visa exp, hotel exp,per diem etc)

In such cases :
a. can we raise a separate invoice on our client for reimbursable exp ? ( if yes, then whether service tax is applicable ?)
b. OR, can we raise a debit note on our client for the same ?

Also, how to keep a track on :
- exp incurred by employees,
- ensure that they are billed / raised a debit note on client &
- final receipt of those exp from client

( If possible, can someone provide me accounting entries for the same ? viz, if we need to raise invoice on client ?)

21 July 2008 at 14:00

AS 6 and AS 4

Whether AS6 applies to mines / ores or it has been excluded from the AS 6 purview by including it in "Wasting Assets"

Srinivasan Arun

Can the Statutory Auditor of the Company question the correctness of the "Discount Rate" taken by the Actuary for the valuation of Gratuity/Leave Encashment Liability as at end of March'08? For eg: Actuary has taken 7% as the discount rate where as Auditor feels it should be 10%

Hemant Kyal
21 July 2008 at 13:13

Service Tax on processing charges

my client is engaged in the business of manufacturing silver foil from silver bricks. It uses such foil captively.
it also processes silver bricks and converts it into foil for other customers on job work basis.

Q. Will Job Work charges being billed to outside parties be chargeable to service Tax?

If yes please also tell under what heading will this be taxable.

Thanks in advance!!



Treatment of withholding Tax on Dividend received from shares for Investment companies as per IFRS

Vishnu Agarwal
21 July 2008 at 12:48

relating to LC



Can any body help me out for the following:

'A' is the Private Company has got Sub Contract for some work from the Main Contractor 'B".

For Executing the work The Main Contractor supplied some Plant & Machinery which is Purchased by the Main Contractor.

After Completion of the Work( Say after 5 years) all the Plant & Machinery will become the Subcontractor's (i.e A) Assets, for this The Main Contractor Deducting Principal and Interest amounts from the Running bills raised by the Subcontractor.

here are some observations:-

1). The Invoices of the Plant & Machinery which is supplied by the Main Contractor still in the name of the Main Contractor.

2). The Ownership of the Assets also not transferred

My query is :-

What is the Accountability treatment of Principal and Interest Payments and what about the applicability of the Depreciation.

Whether any TDS will Applicable for the above transactions.



Can anybody tell me what is the meaning of leased telephone lines (FBT) u/s.115WB (2)(J)with example.


21 July 2008 at 12:01

Accounting Standard 21

Hai to all,

There is a pvt ltd company called "s" which is holding compny of "T".T purchased a company called "A" which is a listed compnay.

My doubt is Accounting Standard 21 will applicablt to "s"?

What is creiteria for applicability of AS 21?