Mohd Sarfaraz Latibani
31 March 2009 at 14:49

Procedure for Income Tax Practioner

Dear Sir,

I want to know what is the procedure for becoming an Income Tax Practioner.


Manju navandhar
31 March 2009 at 14:49

Sale to unregistered Dealer

in case a CST sale is made to an unregistered dealer, the tax rate to be applicable is vat rate. is this correct
if Yes Please Provide me the source of info. i need a soft copy.
THanks in Advance

Mohd Sarfaraz Latibani
31 March 2009 at 14:46

TDS on Rent

I am paying a rent of Rs.40000/- per month The owner is the trust. I want to know at what rate I should deduct the TDS as the receipient is Trust.


Ravi Kumar KVR
31 March 2009 at 14:44

RG23D - Tariff heading or Subheading

Is it mandatory to give tariff number and tariff heading in Form RG23D in column 11

Please help me

31 March 2009 at 14:34

TDS Deduction on professional fee

Can a CA receiving professional fee give declaration in specified form for non deduction of TDS?
What is the procedure for that?

Ajith R Chandra

Friends i present you the situation herein below and hope to get some of your answers:

We have company situated(Regd Office) in Bangalore, Karnataka. We deal in Corporate Interiors (Works Contract). Recently we are about to get a contract in chennai,Tamilnadu.
Now i want to know how to deal with this.

1.Should i show the Chennai Work as Interstate works contract? If yes, then what is the VAT(Percent) i can claim from my client? whether C Form can be issued by my client for Works Contract?

2.Should i register for VAT in chennai and treat the contract as Local (for Chennai)

Please put some light on this


31 March 2009 at 14:13

claiming exemption

how can i claim exemption from undergoing 15 months traing under company secretary?

Devaraja H.P
31 March 2009 at 14:05

limitation for cenvat credit

can you just clarify me wether if we want claim the cenvat credit on service tax our turnover is to be more than one there any turnover specified in the Act.

Devaraja H.P
31 March 2009 at 14:03

limitation for cenvat credit

can you just clarify me wether if we want claim the cenvat credit on service tax our turnover is tobe more than one crore.

31 March 2009 at 14:00

Application for LCS

What's the procedure for application of LCS if i passed CS final examination in june 2007