Easy Office
LCI Learning

12 May 2009 at 14:49

Threshold limit for Cash sales !?

Whether any threshold limit for cash sales? If the company sold a goods for value morethan 20000/- it must be a Draft/Cheque.pl clarify friends. any supporiting notification or act.

12 May 2009 at 14:44


i need to know 2/3 different formats of presenting MIS to the management .

Please reply urgently needed

varun gupta
12 May 2009 at 14:29

Capitalization of New Vehicle


If a company purchases a new vehicle say a car for total cost of Rs 400000 which includes Rs 15000 as 1st yr dep also, then shd the co. capitalize full 400000 in books or it shd capitalize only 390000 and expense off the insurance amt of Rs 10000?

rakesh sharma

PArty had issued cheques of Rs3.0 lacs to me, which got bounced due to insufficiency of funds in party's a/c.

As per court order I have been paid Rs 4 lacs 3 lacs towards orignal amount due+ 1.00 lacs as additional compensation.

Is additional amount of Rs 1.00 recd towards compensation be taxable in my hands


mukesh Shah
12 May 2009 at 14:00

TDS e-payment in wrong section

i have paid TDS of APril-09 in wrong section i.e. insteade of 94c i have paid in 94a. pls guide me how to correct the same. my mail id is mukesh414@yahoo.co.in
mukesh shah

Sandeep Diwan
12 May 2009 at 13:14

TDS on printers bill

I have received a printers bill on which vendors charge VAT , I think it is a contract for sale not work contract.But in my ofice some one in head office have different opnion as per his view TDS should be dectible. I have read case law where bombay high court give there opnion that it is contract for sale not work contract hence TDS shold not be decutible.
Please advice and if you have some case law on the subject please give me the refernce.

12 May 2009 at 13:07

finalization of public ltd. co.

sir i m in finalization of public limited company, i would like to request you to give me some detail note & guidance for provision on debts & creditors.
Plz it's urgent.

CA.Ritu Agarwal
12 May 2009 at 12:56

agricultural income on leased land

Is agricultural produce grown on leased Agricultural land is treated as agricultural income.
please answer


1. Please tell me what is the period for which a Statutory Auditor or a CA can be appointed by a company is it according to financial year or any time?

2. What if the company wants to discontinue with the Statutory Auditor does the company need to pre inform the auditor what is the time the changes can be done & how ?
What are the things to be taken care of ...?

Please reply as soon as possible.

Thanks & Regards

Akhilesh Agarwal

What is the capital gain index rate for F.Y. 2009-2010.