Easy Office
LCI Learning


I would like to know that it is compoulsary to show diffrently to company deductee and non company deductee, what could happen if i show all in under company deductee?

13 May 2009 at 15:41


If the Invoice date is 1.04.08 and the asset is received on 30.04.08 but the same is booked in the accounts on 31.05.08 then from which date we can charge depreciation. (assuming the asset is computer and the date of asset put to use is not known)

13 May 2009 at 15:38


whether the TDS on the contract value is to be deducted after charging Service tax and VAT or before that on the gross figure???? what is the rate of TDS and also when the same is to be deducted at WCT or on contractor???

Pankaj Gulati
13 May 2009 at 15:37

Security for immovable property

In a.y. 2005-2006, my client took Interest free refundable security for the entire premises by way of a/c payee cheque of Rs. 300000/- from his tenant and the same was duly disclosed in the balance sheet of my client. His wife being co-owner of the property receives 50% rent. When the case came up for scrutiny in a.y. 2007-08, the AO says that since his wife was also 50% co-owner of the property she should have received 50% of the security amount and he now wants to add 50% (i.e. Rs. 150000/-) in my client’s income in a.y. 2005-06 by way of issuing notice u/s 148. It will be not out of place to mention here that the entire amount of Rs. 300000/- was returned to the tenant in a.y. 2008-09 by cheque when he vacated the assessee’s premises. Is the action of the AO justified? thnx..

Suresh Jain

My client is leaving present organisisation in which she is a Director and is holding 20% shareholding in the company. She wants to know the value of her shares as on date. It is a running private ltd company and will continue business in future.The present shareholding will be brought by the other directors in the company. As per balance sheet as on 2008 the reserves are Rs 7 crores and share capital is Rs 1 croroe.

CA Sandeep Singh Rawat
13 May 2009 at 15:24

working hours

Please tell me if an article assistant works for more than 35 hours in a week, is he entitled to a compensatory leave? if yes than what is the creteria about how much compensatoris will be given??
Please reply soon..

13 May 2009 at 15:22

Sec 195 and 115A

suppose there is a DTAA signed between a foreign co. n Indian concern n the foreign co gives technical assisstance to the indian concern for which royalty is paid by the indian concern so how would sec 195 n 115A apply???

13 May 2009 at 15:18

Sec 195 and 115A

So basically Sec 115A would apply to the foreign co. to whom royalty is paid and sec 195 to the indian co. who is paying the royalty, isn't it??

Jayesh Jagetiya
13 May 2009 at 15:03

194J OR 194C

Dear Friends,
For our companies Annual Day Celebration we have hired a DJ (Ochastra) for Musical Night.
Whether we have to deduct TDS in Section 194J or 194C?

Ratan Sharma
13 May 2009 at 14:58

Sec. 44AF

My client is a retailer in readymade garments filing return u/s. 44AF @ 10% net income on turnover,since last 5 years. Survey conducted at the premises of assessee. stock short found by Rs. 10 lacs during survery. No cash found, no other objectional documents found. The gross profit rate is 30%.
What will be the consequences? Whether AO can add entire 10 lacs or 30% of 10 lacs as G.P. or 10% of 10 lacs as N.P. as the assessee file return u/s. 44AF? My client is not ready to offer any additional income, as per his say the department has not counted the stock properly, What stand should I take? What submission I should make?