Please tell me the Benefits of Filing Return even the total income is below the basic exemption limit???
Can we upload 1st return of a company or a Firm with DSC because we are unable to sign digitally the ITR...
can anybody send me the IMP questions for CA-PCC for all the subjects on my email id?
my Email ID is
are there any changes in accounting standards for PCC NOV 2009
An existing software development company wants to transfer its existing customer contracts to another overseas company. The terms of the assignment will be such that the overseas company will do the balance billing on the clients and the indian company will bill the overseas company at an agreed man month rate for the work that will be carried out by the employees of the indian company on the contracts.
How should this assignment of contracts be structured? Will any provisions of the IT Act be attracted?
We Purchase Raw Material from Different Different parties located in various place in India on Condition of Ex-Work. We pay Service Tax on Inward Freight (10.30 % on 25% of Total Freight). Can We take Credit of this Service Tax Which we have pay of Inward freight with Excise Duty.
Respected Experts
Is it mandatory for every co that all the cos meetings & its resolutions are to be intended to ROC
Respected Experts,
Is it mandatory for every co. to transfer a portion of profit to general reserve every year?
Can you please let me know due date for MVAT Audit for FY 2008-09
Hi all,
Pls can anyone tell me what is best book for indirect taxes for CA Final in Exams point of View...
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)
Survey, Search and Seizure under Income Tax Act 1961
benefits of NIL Return