Does the Partnership Firm having Roadways Business running totally based on commission is required to get GST Registration??
The Business running on Commission is covered under RCM.. Also the Firm doesn't own any vehicles in its own name.. They only provide the services on commission basis..
As per companies act 2013 standalone financial statement and consolidated financial statement of company can be approved in one board of director meeting
Can we Claim exemption u/s 80C for the Stamp Duty Paid for the purpose of Creating MOD, against the housing loan taken for the Construction of Residential House ?
Ay 20-21 salary is being paid @ Rs 35,000 per month from April 2019 to March 2020: Total Salary will arrive as at Rs 4,20,000 + One month bonus Rs 35,000 then total will arrive as at Rs 4,55,000. Whether in such case shall be taxable income ? Whether TDS will be applicable on total Rs 4,55,000 ?
Hello Sir,
I have TDS on contract amount deposited for the month of Jan 2020.. after i have checked in Feb month have paid excess due accounted in twice same bill in jan month .. now i have received in Feb month..can adjust TDS excess amount to other suppliers in Feb month which i have deposited earlier.. please advice
We have taken a office on rent. Monthly charges is Rs. 45000. Whether we have to deduct TDS and RCM is applicable or not?
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Ankit working as Accountant in Private Limited Company. We have rate difference in sale invoice and now we are trying to rectify the things given below
Actual Rate - 16.25/- Including GST @ 18%
Invoice Given Rate - 14.58/- Including GST @ 18%
Rate Difference - 1.67/- Including GST @ 18%
As per the above details, the difference rate is of Rs. 1.67/-. Is their any solution to give rate difference invoice or else we should raised Debit Note. If we raise Dr Note then in GST R1 we cant upload the invoice details. So as if now i am totally confused and can you help me for this above reason..
Dear Sir,
My question is related to revenue recognition of MEIS SEIS taxation from income tax point of view and accounting standard.
Revenue will be recognize at the time of credit of scrip or sale of scrip ?
ICDS silent about this and AS 9 says export incentive recognise only when there is certainity .
Kindly reply.
Thanks in advance.
Hi experts,
What are the items one has to check on viewing the Balance sheet of a car company?