CA Parul Saxena
09 July 2021 at 16:59

Export details in GSTR1

What is the difference between Bill of lading and Shipping Bill?
In GSTR1 under table 6A Bill of lading No is to be given or shipping bill ni?

Prasad Balakrishnan

A company commenced business on 01.02.2020. Prelimany expenses were incurred since that day. No IT return has been filed for the period AY 20-21. Now in FY20-21 the balances as on 31.03.2020 are carried forward and included for the period 01.04.2020 -31.03.2021. How to prepare the financial statements for the period 01.02.2020 to 31.03.2021 with repsect to IT returns and for Company ROC.

09 July 2021 at 16:25


Respected Sir,

Whether GST Refund of ITC paid on expenses cannot be claimed. Direct Expenses and Indirect Expenses both as per tally software.

Please guide me and oblige

Kollipara Sundaraiah

it assess housing loan taken in individual status and repayment monthly amounts in huf status allowed in it act and accounting entries passed procedure in BOTH books.

09 July 2021 at 15:53

GST rate for oil

What is the GST rate for cooking oil when it is sold after used in the manufacturing process? (Sale of used oil) & HSN code ?

Sonnal Khandaray
09 July 2021 at 15:30

Late fees for GSTR-1 for June 2021

Hi All
Whether late fees for non /late filing of GSTR-1 has been activated from June -2021?

Thanks in advance.

CA Parul Saxena
09 July 2021 at 15:18

Export in GSTR1

How to report Export in GSTR1? Export is made without IGST..
Imported material is whether refund will be granted of IGST paid on imported material?

09 July 2021 at 14:56

TDS U/S 194Q on Advance Payment

Please advise for TDS u/s 194 Q for following transaction / condition :

1) TDS u/s 194Q (TDS on purchase) is applicable at the time of payment or credit which ever is earlier.
2) If TDS deducted on advance payment against purchase , the TDS will be deducted on full amount i.e. inclusive of GST .
3) If TDS deducted on credited basis , the TDS will be deducted on net amount i.e. the amount excluding GST.
4) Now my query is if partially payment made in advance and balance after received the material, what are effect of TDS u/s 194Q , how TDS amount calculated ?

09 July 2021 at 13:57

Tds deduction for transporter

We are registered dealer in GST, this month (July,21) we have purchasing some goods from Interstate registered dealer through Interstate Transporter, who (transporter) raised a Invoice for Rs. 34500.00 with out charging any GST . Now our question is
1) We will pay IGST under Reverse Charge Basis
2) If Transporter give us Declaration for Non- deduction of Tax at Source (TDS) under Section 194 C (6) of the Income tax Act, 1961with his Pan Copy, then is this case can we deducted TDS because new rule 206 AB start on 01/07/2021, if yeas then which rate will applicable.

Kollipara Sundaraiah

It assess some amount paid advance for fixed assets purpose in f.y.20-21.but invoice received and fixed assets purchase in f.y.21-22.
Assess above fixed assets transactions accounting treatment in books two years.