Kollipara Sundaraiah

what is the meaning and difference between e-commerce and oidar services.

Shreya K Bihani
18 July 2021 at 13:21

IND AS 116 land lease query

can land lease be capitalised? n if yes how its accounting is done?


Received dividend from 1) HDFC MUTUAL FUND Rs.299011.14 and Tax deducted Rs.23671/- u/s 194K, and 2) HDFC MUTUAL FUND DIVIDEND Rs.149506.67 and Tax deducted Rs.11213/- u/s 194K. So, Total dividend received Rs.448517.81 and from total dividend 20% deducted = 89703/-. Rest Rs.358815/- entered in QLY breakup as 15/6=79736+15/9=117617+15/12= 41856+15/3=119606. But at the time of verification of ITR-2, errors message comes as 1a- dtaa dividend-system calculated value is not equal to value at 3(ii). Since I do not know about dtaa dividend value calculation for the above errors, you are requested to kindly help me to over come the default and be able to submit the ITR. With regards, Narad Muni Mishra

Raghav Somani

Regarding the same, I followed one query if we increase the tax liability without increasing the outward sale, what are the facts and documents that's need to be submitted to officer for grievance.

P V Paulose
17 July 2021 at 20:47

Tax on gratutiy arrear received

i was a public sector employee and retired in Jan 2018 and received gratuity of Rs 10 lacs and now received Rs 6 lacs due to wage revision . The taxable limit at the time of retirement was 10 lacs and now 20 lacs
Am i liable to tax for the addition received now

Kollipara Sundaraiah

A composite tax payer outward supplies tax rate wise not reported column 6 of gstr4 in f.y.20-21 negative liability show in gstr4.
Dealer composite return April-june-21 quarter sales turnover show in April to June-21 return only or previous year in 20-21 sales turnover both sales turnover show in cmp-08 return April-june 21 quarter is correct method.

17 July 2021 at 19:25

Repatriation of money by nri

A NRI assessee who sold urban land & Building during the year ended 31/3/2020 and LTCL arises during the year. He still keeps sale consideration in NRO a/c. Now he wants to repatriate the money to foreign for his personal use. What procedure to be followed under INCOME TAX ACT & FEMA ACT?

Practicing CA
17 July 2021 at 18:21

GST Registration and taxation

if a person from India intends to sales goods / services through Amazon to US and provide the said goods to the clients through warehouse taken on rent in US following are the concerns:
1. While taking registration for Principal place of business (in India) do he has to mention the US ware house address as additional place of business?
2. Whether his sale will be treated as exports under GST, which is exempt from tax or he has to pay IGST separately?

Monika Mittal

Can an Individual file Income Tax Return for A.Y. 2020-21 now ? If total salary income is less than 5 Lacs. How much penalty is to be paid ?

Soumya Laha

A Composition Taxpayer didn't fill column 6 of GSTR 4 in FY 2020-21 and total tax paid in FY 2020-21 is credited in Negative Liability Statement. As a result the taxpayer can't able to create challan and pay the tax for APR-JUN qtr 2021 in cash as the tax amount adjusted with Negative Liability. Now, in this situation, what is the suitable solution for this issue.