Kollipara Sundaraiah
22 July 2021 at 09:28

Gst query for old gold jewellery

A gst registered jewellery business composite scheme dealer
1 purchase of old gold jewellery from urd persons after same any changes (repairs,polish etc) sales to customer
2.purhcases of old gold jewellery from urd persons some changes after sales to customer
Dealer above two options sales transaction gst applicable or not.

N K Somani

I like to know the process for claiming loss due to write off of the bonds/ shares/ debentures by the issuer under any scheme as approved by respective bodies
Live examples are Yes bank bonds written off by issers and DHFL shares unlisted due to recent scheme of take over, which now cannot be transferred also, as per restrictions imposed by NSDL
I like to know how and where this loss can be claimed in Income tax return of the holder?
Thanks a lot

H Thakar
21 July 2021 at 17:59

Minimum Wage Act

I have 5 bunglows and i have recruited staff for maintaining the premises which includes housekeeping and gardening job. I pay them salary from my personal account. i want to know whether minimum wage act is applicable or not. (expenses incurred are in personal nature )


21 July 2021 at 17:00

House property income tax

Case : If Mr.x has 5 house property. out of which 4 are let out and 1 is self occupied. he gets rent for 4 house property.

Query : Now can he claim 2 house property as self occupied on notional basis for AY 2021-22?


GSTIN of my client cancelled by dept. in may 21(effected from 1-1-21) now revocation of gstin done on 14 july 2021.
We have some ITC for the month of april and may 2021. Now we are filling GSTR 3b, ITC available in 2B but ITC not shown column 4 and outward shown auto populated in column 3.1
please suggest how can take ITC

Arun Govil
21 July 2021 at 16:11

Credit Facility from Bank

Company has export debtors and wish to avail Cash credit against security of export debtors. Company do not want foreign bill discounting. Is it possible.

Samik Banerjee
21 July 2021 at 16:02


I am having a partnership firm . Want to convert it to a proprietorship firm as the partner is willing to exit willingly. Is it possible to continue with the same firm name and GST number. Can the same Current Account in bank be also reconstituted or ammended to proprietorship from partnership firm.

Hiren J. Mandaliya
21 July 2021 at 15:38

Querry for GST effect on sales


I have one querry regarding GST and TDS effect in one case :

my company XYZ PVT LTD is engaged in the works contract business. they received one work order in the month of December, 2020 from ABC LTD.

They issued one service bill to ABC LTD in January 2021 on which ABC LTD has deducted tds and deposited and XYZ PVT LTD has shown as sales for reconciliation of sales in books and GST portal. Now some work is completed in the month of feb and march 2021 and xyz pvt ltd has not issued any bill to abc ltd. but abc ltd has deposited tds on that work completed and deposited without receiving invoice on provisional basis.

Now as per 26AS when we count sales, it is different then book and GST as we had not issued invoice but abc ltd has deducted and deposited the TDS on provisional basis hence sales is not reconciled.

now what is the best option to book this sales currently we booked sales on provisional basis as xyz pvt ltd has not issued invoice. Is it correct ? if not how can we reconcile books, GST sales and 26AS

Vipin Yadav
22 July 2021 at 09:28

Submission of ASI return 2019-2020

please suggest:

what is ASI retrun and to whom it to submit?
is every company has to submit this or any criteria for it?
is any online process to submit return?
what are legal obligation on fail to submit timely?

also looking to consultant.

you can call me also : 7082219244


Please guide in following matters.
1. Is CA Old Scheme exam attempts extended as last attempt was May/July 2021.
2. What will be the new subjects for CA inter old course Unit 8 i.e. students who passed 1st grp of PCC ( Accounts, Audit and Law ).

Thank You