17 July 2014 at 21:12

Costing ca final

i have solved SANJAY AGARWAL sir's Study material once. CA final. my exams due in nov 2014.

now should i resolve his material and Practise manual or buy padhukha or any any reference material for practise??

17 July 2014 at 20:57

Expenses allowed or disallowed

i hv a client.he has his residential house of two storeys.In first storey he is running hospital as company.he has given first storey to company as rent.
All electricity bills are coming in his personal name but are commercial in nature.all electricity is exclusively used in the company.

whether exp will be disallowed as they are not in name of company. ?

thanks in advance.

17 July 2014 at 20:43


i have 2 fd.
in frst 150000, interest-21000, tax-2100,
in second- 50000, interest-11000,tax-1100.
during itr file what i should fill in the colomn 'income from other source'
and for ay 14-15. which is "detucted year"

17 July 2014 at 20:43

Capital gain

we have purchased land cost 5 lacs in the fy 13-14, where guide line value of land is 6 lakhs, whether we liable to income tax on difference amt of 1 lac u/s. 56

if yes, any remedy to avoid to pay tax

17 July 2014 at 20:40

Excise duty coverage

we are doing printing work for hosiery garments . whether we liable to pay excise duty or not


hi, a central goverent employee made a mistake during file itr1 , i fill self details in 80g section but pan no GGGGG0000G and send hard copy to cpc bangalore.cpc showing received my form.
i have donate 1 day salary in PM relief fund.
plz suggest there wl any problem in processing or not.
OR I should revised it and send again to cpc.
and also tell what detail of donee i should fill.
plz reply , i m in confusion.

sanchit jain
17 July 2014 at 20:27

Effective yield

hello can anyone guide m how to calculate effective yield in case of multiple unequal cash flows ex. mr. a deposited following in rd 1Jan 85500 1 Feb 87000 1 march 100000 and say maturity amount is 300000 on 1 Aug what is effective yield on investments made considering time value

zeeba mohammadi
17 July 2014 at 20:21

Best book for law

please suggest me,which book for law for ca final examination is best?

Gina Pearl
17 July 2014 at 19:52

Orientation and itt

is it necessary for me to complete orientation and IT training before ipcc exam? can i take it afterwards?

17 July 2014 at 19:51


what is the procedure to get duplicate FIRC