Easy Office
LCI Learning

07 July 2014 at 23:27


have my exams in nov 2014.

i have clarified all my concepts now a want a book for exhaustive practice.

i wanted to buy padhukha but in caclubindia ready the reviews and most of them are suggesting to avoid padhukha for SFM.

any specific reason

AND which book should i refer for practise.


07 July 2014 at 23:17

Payment of fees

when to pay annual member ship fees and how much

nikitha chabriya
07 July 2014 at 22:50


Hi can any1 suggest a good book for advanced accounting ipcc .

07 July 2014 at 21:55


Received a bill under RCM in june
when pay service tax under RCM (in which month)
and when take ccenvat credit (means which date take cenvat credit)
please reply this question.

07 July 2014 at 21:45

Capital gain

dear sir
my client sale his property 6100000 in aug 2012 and allmoney deposit in saving bank account i can not under stand that the liabilites arise on capital gain or not
how can i judge that he sale agriculture land is a ruler area he have a sale aggrement that show the land is out of muncipal area

Harish Kumar
07 July 2014 at 20:03

Articleship help

I want to know is it is mandatory to continue articleship training after completion of 9 month for direct entry student. Nothing to be found in Icai notification regarding such case So please help me can I stop article training

07 July 2014 at 20:03

Ordinary non resident it filing

Namaste all,
An assessee filing salary return for till f.y.2012-13 and for 2013-14 he was not in india, he went to soudi for employment,

can he file income tax regular return if he is having S.B.interest income in india,

if he can under which ITO he has to file,

07 July 2014 at 19:58

Service tax under rcm

service received in april
service tax payment in may 6th
service tax input under RCM in 31st may.

whether above procedure is correct or wrong please reply this question.

namrata rane
07 July 2014 at 19:15

Fix asset

if asset is installed in 12-13 bt full payment is made in 13-14..dep wil start from which year

07 July 2014 at 18:52

Liquidation of a company

if there is a private company with only share capital of 1 lac in balance sheet and 1 lac in bank acct left what is the procedure to liquidate and strike the name