is change in Accounting estimate a change in Accounting method/policy? if yes then whether disclosure of it is necessary
Plz suggest me in ca final cost accounting.
To have a self pratice which book should be preferred??
CA Sanjay agarwal or paduka aur someone else's..
My total tax liablity for the financial year 2014-2015 is supposed to be less than 10000 (around 4000) after deduction of TDS. But I have deposited advance tax of 1500. Have I done anything wrong? Is that money wasted?
Also if some one finds out his advance tax liablilty is say 10000, can he pay the entire advance tax in the first installment?
can icai give permission for transfer 40km ? for the reason transfer of my fathers job?
Loan was taken in 2008-09 and constuction was completed in 2012-13 then PCI deduction shall be allowed for 5 years from 2012-13
if house is sold in 2014-15 then what will be the treatment for remaining deduction of PCI??????
Dear sir I am operating a school for teaching class 11 & 12 with preparation of medical nd engg nd exmation done through other school . my school not get any affiliated from board. can services tax applicable nd its registered as a company .
does construction of a floor amount to construction? can v claim deduction of Rs 1,50,000 for such construction? already loan has been taken for construction of ground floor and Rs 1,50,000 is claimed as deduction for the same. new loan is taken for 1st floor construction . for this message is Rs 30,000 or Rs 1,50,000 allowed
Dear Expert,
I have taken some amount(more than Rs 50000/-) from my wife's father (father-in-law) for household use.
Will it be taxable for me?
Where to show this amount in IT return form?
Is it acceptable to prepare a gift/Loan deed on plain paper?
Please do the needful.
best coaching between sangeet kedia classes & deepak gajrani classes for cs -execuitve module-1 (new syllabus)..plz reply its too urgnt ..
Accounting policies