mohd.mahfooz alam
23 July 2014 at 19:39

Income tax return

What will be the consequence when tds has been deducted and return has been filled with details mentioned in form 16 but form 26as is not displaying the amount of tds deducted.

Rakesh Srivastava
23 July 2014 at 19:28


whether TDS is to be deducted excluding service tax under all section of TDS after circular dated 13. 01.2014.

23 July 2014 at 19:17

F&o income- tax audit reqd.

Individual earned income from F&O business approx 80 L besides his other incomes (Salary 57L + others 50K) . Will it require tax audit for filing income tax return for the year 2013-14. pls. advise.




I have been doing freelance content writing since August 2011. From December 2013, i started building a team of freelance writers.
Should i have to apply for TAN and register my freelance content writing company as a sole proprietorship firm?

23 July 2014 at 19:11


Hi friends..i am a science student..Somehow i choose CA as my passion..I cleared my CPT in my second attempt 2011.. i have attented IPC 2014..During these period i faced a lot of problems..financially, even by family also..till i continue to dream to be a CA.. I am not going to give whatever problems come...i am working @ courier as part time.. My school friends are going to finish UG and ready to get a job..but me totally useless..till only studying...also not earn any money..pls suggest me how motivate my self..and continue my career without any distraction..pls help me..i need that...

23 July 2014 at 18:55

Accrual vs cash basis

A offers income on cash/receipt basis, however bank deducted TDS on interest paid on Accrual basis. Should A offer interest income on accrual basis and claim TDS , or continue to offer on cash basis , then how much TDS can be claimed?

ankit sirswal
23 July 2014 at 18:51


wht is the next date to fill cpt ??


Is there any criteria to register as a company by its turnover? If a proprietorship business makes a turnover of Rs 1000 crores, it is necessary to register as a company? or he may continue as a proprietorship concern?

23 July 2014 at 18:48

View as - 26

How to change previously registered mobile number and mail id with IT deptt. for viewing AS - 26.

23 July 2014 at 18:44


expected date of Ca final results is announced?