I have Window 8 (64bit) system
but when I am installing then i found a msg
The module ".\SPR32x30.ocx" was loaded but the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80040201.
AND cmd.exe open.....and show msg like....
C:\e-TDS RPU\e-TDS_RPU_4.0>echo off
I revised the return of my friend. shall sign both return original and revised or only revised which one send to cpc
I read on whatsapp that in loksabha finance bill is amended and limit is set 3lakh as tax-free. this news is true or fake
Please send me link of module provided by ICSI of company law of 2013 Act
sir i am an ca student,i have given ipcc exam and waiting for the results as i have nothing to do right now and my knowledge in computers(excel&tally)and tax,accounts,audit is very low please tell me what should i do.what areas will be useful in fiture in articleship and interviews.
Can any one tell me under which head commission income can be shown- other source or business profession and why?
my management want me to prepared debtors management. is there ant soft copy for this. kindly send me soft copy on kharatsant@gmail.com. thanks
Hi all I have Dinesh Madan Sir's class notes and book for nov 14. I am confused whether i should prepare from book or notes only? Anyone who has some idea about how to prepare, kindly help.
Problem in installing rpu