Can a Non practising CA who is holding Memb No.use his/ her named letter heads, visiting cards, etc?
Secondly can such a person issue certificates which a practising CA issues?
Can he/she print all his qualification i.e Bcom, LLB, CA on both visiting card & letter head?
Urgent reply awaiting
I have given exam of ipcc and doing college privately will it create difficulty for me to do mba admission in good college
Dear Sirs, please guide me if i can compute my income in following manner. I do not wish to opt for audit u/s 44AD & still claim a loss from speculation business. Following is the situation.
I have 3 business.
1. Tutions( total cash reciept being 275000)
2. Share trading ( Turnover being 10.75lacs & loss being 15000)
3. Speculative business ( turnover being 3lacs & loss being 1.65 lacs)
In the above situation, can i offer tution income & share trading business clubbed toghtre u/s 44AD where total turnover/reciepts will be (15.5lacs) @8% resulting in income of 1,24,000 & claim loss from speculitve business without offering it u/s 44AD.
In the above situation, my total income shall still remain withing basic exemption limit & i would thus not be required to opt for audit & can still claim loss to c/f.
Is the above logic that ive used correct? If not, any alternative?
i have a public company now 5 transactions of purchase done and comes in all cases foreign exchange loss and in 6th transaction foregn exhange gain so in accounting entries can it be set-off i.e entry for 6th transaction foreign exchange loss (credir) or saperate accounts are required for both
i am a post graduate in i'm joined for Ipcc..after the completion of ipcc i wish to go for a better job...what are the scope of inter in both public and private sector????
Please suggest whether expenses relating to fy 2013-14 is allowable in fy 2014-15.
Which case it is allowable?
Suppose one person forget to claim the expenses in that fy 2013-14. Is it permissible in this fy 2014-15.
Please let me know, as per ROC , Director disclosure is mandatry for all company, whether a public company , private limited are listed or not.
Rajeev kumar
If a company is registered in Thane, under which RoC's jurisdiction will it lie?
i want 2 knw abt stipend in big 4 ..and wch firm is prefer 4 articleship ...