vishal singla
26 September 2014 at 16:47

Bonus in case of transfer pricing

one of our assessee is required to file the return before 30.11.2014 due to transfer pricing please advise which the last date for payment the bonus .provided by the company as payable in the books of accounts as on 31.03.2014.whether the bonus is to be paid before 30.09.2014 or 30.11.2014

Akshay Patil
26 September 2014 at 16:43

Stamp duty

Please tell the subsections under which stamp duty is exempted in 80C?

Eswar Reddy S
26 September 2014 at 16:38

Sale of fixed asset

Sale of fixed asset under which head we need to consider ?

Gurvinder Singh
26 September 2014 at 16:36

Tds on professional fee

Kind Attn : Dear Sir/Mam

Pls adv on the following:
-While making payment to our CA, for the F.Y.2013-14, paid in Sept14. How to account for, as we haven't passed any entry on 31-3-14.

- What about the TDS part. Do we need to pay the same alongwith the interest, if so, for how may months, pls adv calculation.

-Also, I read somewhere that the TDS is ro be deducted only on the bill amt exluding service tax, i.e. No TDS to be deducted on service tax part. Is it true?

- If the abv is correct, does this needs to be implied only on professional servuices or all type of billing, whether contractor etc.

Thnx and regards
Gurvinder Singh

26 September 2014 at 16:30

It refund cheque

I had filed One of my client's ITR that i.e firm hence i have filed ITR-5, and this is refundable case and PAN Number on his firm name "sri vignaswara offset printers" but he has given his personal saving's bank account because there is no current account in his firm name, now he has get a refund cheque named "Sri Viganswara Offset Printers" with his personal bank a/c no , and his a/c passbook doesn't have any name like sri vignaswara offset printers but he is the absolute proprite of that firm (sole propritery ship), now what my query is that can he allow to clearance that cheque through his account which is mention on the cheque or any is there any procedure to get back his refund.

Lavanya shree
26 September 2014 at 16:14

Impairment of assets

Suppose cost of asset is 100000/- and accumulated de preciation existing is 40000/-, salvage value is 5000/- and useful life remaining is 5 yrs.
Impaiment loss was calculated to be 25000/-. what are the entries, and the effect of the loss in accounts, what is the accounting treatment for acc. depn?

26 September 2014 at 16:13

Er 1 mistake

We register in Excise, we had filed up ER 1 with wrong Opening balance in "5. DETAILS OF CENVAT CREDIT TAKEN AND UTILIZED" of ER 1, so can i corrected in up coming Er 1, please mention precedure

26 September 2014 at 16:11

Service tax

Per year rental income 11 lakhs.but i have chques received three persons payable names

What i am saying that service tax registration is compulsary or not

26 September 2014 at 16:03

Export of service is taxable??

A pvt ltd co. is a software service provider. Co is raising invoice to US clients and getting payment in USD.

Is it liable to pay service tax?

What other consequences and formalities are there relating to foreign exchange received?

Pl reply.

26 September 2014 at 15:50

Goods transport by road

dear sir
I cannot under stand about
up to Rs750.00 per carriage, Rs1500 per goods carriage exempted & 75 abatement available
Please carify me with example
Thanks & regards
Rajendar Singh