26 September 2014 at 18:52

Pay tax online

How to pay tax online after preparing computation.?

Ashish Sharma

Greetings for the day !

Which persons are exempted from TDS deduction u/s 194A of Income tax act ? We, being a company, paying interest to Indiabulls Home Loans Ltd. So, are we required to deduct TDS on interest paid by us ?

Please help me.

Rajeev Kumar
26 September 2014 at 18:18

Query regarding paypal payment.


I have a query can any one reslove it.?

If i make payment from Paypal to foreign resource for service received in india (Through internet), is it legal to make payment through paypal.

If Paypal payment is legal then confirm maximum limit of payment, number of transactions and period.

26 September 2014 at 18:17

Ipcc to study ipcc auditing pronouncements..and itt programme book is to be studied completely...or enough to study selective portions only.....and if leave some extra space (say half page)after writing an answer in a page and then i start the next answer in a fresh should i strike off the space or leave it empty like i heard that doung strikings and other markings in answer sheet is a criminal offence....thank u

26 September 2014 at 18:04

Closing stock converts into investment

A builders wants to convert closing stock into investment. Is it possible ? If the closing stock is converted into investment, capital gain tax will have to be paid rate of which is comparatively less than the normal rate of income tax. Will it be one kind of saving of income tax.

26 September 2014 at 17:52


if my clint is covered in sec 44AB Audit and piad printing and stationery expenses for the purpose of distribution of books then tds is applicable or not

Ravi P
26 September 2014 at 17:46

Proprietor drawings

In ITR4 where to enter partners drawings.
In Source of Fund[BS] proprietor capital we have to show current year income only or last year capital + Profit/loss + capital introduced - drawings

26 September 2014 at 17:41


I need to know as to what kind of a firm should i prefer for my articleship. a mediocre firm, which allows classes or a high profile firm with very high profile clients but do have very stringent rules in regard to coaching, they dont allow coaching at all. kindly reply ASAP. need to join

26 September 2014 at 17:38

Place of provision

Seeking your suggestion in following scenario:

Resources in India are accessing websites/Servers of Client through VPN(Virtual Private Network) or they are using remote access to monitor the websites/networks of Client And then some analysis is carried out (in India) and the Final report/deliverables is shared with Client outside India.

Where is the Place of Provision inn the above scenario.

For this Project Invoicing will be done in USD.

26 September 2014 at 17:33

Article ship

I am a Qualified ICWA and I am Working in a Pvt Ltd company I have 3 years experience. so I have start the CA so it is compulsory to Article ship under any Firm or any other way to not to go under Article Ship. if I register as a Industrial Training. Please suggest.