Eswar Reddy S
27 September 2014 at 23:15

Tax audit limit -pvt ltd

Hi All, Can any body tell me private companies also to be added for limit of tax audits ?

Eswar Reddy S
27 September 2014 at 23:11

Donation by companies

Dear All, Where to show the donation paid by companies in schedule VI format ? Can it be taken as an expense or compulsorily need to show under 80G ?

Shreyas Makwana
27 September 2014 at 23:07

Costfm book for self study

Plz advice me which Cost Fm book I refer for self study for Ipcc one ravi m kishore, paduka, or any other else...plz suggest the best one..

Eswar Reddy S

Hi All, Is there any option to remove the passwords for 26As,Audit reports and other forms filed online ?

Eswar Reddy S
27 September 2014 at 22:58

Form 3cb filed instead of form 3ca

Dear Nikhil Sir , What is the procedure to be followed if one has filed 3CB instead of 3CA Vice versa ?

Eswar Reddy S
27 September 2014 at 22:42

Pvt ltd

Is the PVT LTD tax audits to be considered for number of tax audit limits as per Incometax act ?

sheetal upadhyay
27 September 2014 at 22:41

what is the max. no. of shares that can be alltoted to the individual employee under (employee stock optn plan) ESOP ..?

Eswar Reddy S

Hi, What is the limit for number of audits for 2014-15 AY as per companies Act and Incometax Act ?

Eswar Reddy S
27 September 2014 at 22:37

Rectification of tax audit report

Hi All, For example we are uploading tax audit report of A pvt ltd , by mistake if I attach balance sheet and p&l of B pvt ltd . Is the revision sufficient or is there any procedure to rectify it?

Eswar Reddy S
27 September 2014 at 22:32

Tax audit cases -additions to fixed assets

Hi All, In 3CD we need to mention the additions to fixed assets date wise . For example 200 machines purchsed during the year on different dates, is it required to mention the date wise ?