If there is no Donation received by the trust in the F.Y. 2021 - 2022. Filing of Form 10BD is mandatory or not.
Rewards in the form of cashback or credit card points used to pay credit card bills whether taxable income, Kindly advise us.
Hello I run a small business in India. All my clients are in United States. Since they outsource work to me, I have to buy laptops on their behalf. Now these laptops are not assets for me Or my company in India. Given a scenario where they paid me 10 lakhs to buy laptops I know only 40% that is 4 lakhs will be written as depreciation and rest on 6 lakhs will I have to pay 25%(pvt Ltd company) tax on it?
Someone suggested to invoice client for laptop invoice amount and show it as reimbursement.
What is the best way to go about it, and can I do the same for car as well? Claim it as reimbursement and not as an asset.
We are exporter of pharmaceutical products. We purchase raw material from suppliers but don't bring it to our own place. Supplier gives delivery directly to third parties. ( Contract Manufacturing- Job worker )We get finished products manufactured from these third parties under loan license agreement basis. My query is whether we have to file ITC-04 or not considering following points 1) As goods directly move from suppliers to our loan licensee party we don't prepare any delivery challan. 2) We receive only invoice from suppliers with GST. 3) Third party (loan license)supplies finished goods with labor charges invoice. 4)Finished goods receive from third party is totally in different form than raw material supplied. Thus it is very much difficult to prepare ITC-04 in case of contract manufacturing
Dear sir/madam
We have collected the Form 27-C against sale of coal, from manufacturing units. Our TAN was alloted by CIT, Patiala (Punjab). My query is, where is form 27-C to be submiited by Hand or Registered Post.
Kindly tell me complete address of the Authority.
if the partnership deed registered as on stamp duty date and mentioned as partnership is effective from five months prior to stamp duty date, does the transactions before registered date is legally enforceable
My client has made investment in Dubai property
25% down payment and rest 75% to be paid in 6 years
This means liability in respect of foreign investment
Whether this arrangement is allowed under FEMA
Hi friends,
A provides online virtual educational classes to foreign students. who pays by online trf in foreign currency in advance and virtual classes are provided in a group of 5 or more students for 1-2 weeks.
A received advance from say 10 students and he issued advance receipts and shown the advance in the GSTR1 return in that month. The classes were taken after 2 months.
I want to ask,
1. whether A is required to issue Tax invoices show them n GSTR return,in addition to the advance receipt already issued and shown the advance in the GSTR1 when advance is received.
2. If invoice is to be issued what will the date of invoice in the above case.
les share your considered views on above
P.C. Joshi
Dear Sir
Please be clarify whether RCM applies on labour contractor working in crushers, if applies what is the GST Rate.
Thanking you
S. Joshi
Filing of Form 10BD