This Query has 2 replies
how to file new ITR-4 return for the dealer who is covered under section 44AF
is it require to fillup balancesheet and profit and loss account deatils?
This Query has 3 replies
For getting the Are 1 from the supplier waht we should provide from EOU or SEZ ?
ARE 3 also
This Query has 5 replies
Can you please tell me, I am in the Eou concern for factory building purpose i have paid a service tax to the builder.chanceis there for cenvat cerdit availment The construction period was 2 years back so am i eligible for cenvat cerdit availment?
2. For GTA only we are having the provision to pay the tax amount by render or provider . Is there any same service tax provision available for any other services
3. We are having the DTA units also , DTA units supplies shoe uppers to EOU so that we are getting the deemed draw back how it will affect the cenvat cedit in the EOU ?
I dont have any local clearence
This Query has 2 replies
A house was purchased in 1980.Due to non-delivery of the same by the seller the assessee could'nt occupy it.Assessee bought it in the name of his wife, who is not an assessee.
A petition was filed which took many years to get it decided.Registration Charges were paid to the court in 1982.
Now, in the year 2006, dec. the verdict was in favour of the assessee asking him to get it registered.
Upon sale will it be a Short Term or a Long Term Capital Gain, if it is sold in Jan.2007
pavan kumar.
This Query has 4 replies
Can someone help me out with the calculation of deferred tax.If someone could help me out in preparation of deferred Tax sheet with formulae in Excel?
This Query has 1 replies
A public charitable trust was formed in 2003 and registered with the sub-registrar. The trust has property. It has not registered itself under the Income Tax Act. Now that the deadline 31st May is over what will be the position of the trust.
This Query has 3 replies
I am CA final student. I have an Query About tax on Non-Listed Securities. I want to know the applicable Tax Rate for LTCG/STCG.and pls also give refereance book/material.
This Query has 1 replies
I am CA Final Student. I have an Query About Capital Gain on Non-Listed Shares.I want to What are the Rate applicable on it 10% or 20% for STCG/LTCG and it can avail option 1(10%) or option 2(20). Please give me the referance Material/Book also.
This Query has 8 replies
Is C.A. Degree qualified or eligible 4 CET exams and any MBA Entrance exams????
if any Chartered Accountant has not any Graduate Degree and if he wants 2 do MBA course, can he do so???? If yes from which institutions.?????
This Query has 4 replies
i m current student of PE2. I have passed my PE1 exam with scoring 238/400. but at that time i have done coaching classes. but I have not done coaching classes for PE2???
and I m very confused about my study. my exam will in November,07.
please guide me how 2 plan???
please guide me how 2 study???
tell me the material which is best 4 me..
i will be faithful 2 u if u help me.....
under section 44AF