This Query has 6 replies
this is to ask you that from when the limit of articles is increasing i.e. from when a c.a. can train more articles than the existing limit of articles.
please help me
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i wanna to ask if a person is citizen of any country &he is not resident any where then how we recognise that where it's income is tax payable
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hi! i m payal passed PE 2 G2 & had attemted for G1 please tell me from where to do CA final coching.Is there any good firms at nagpur or indore ? If any then please send me there details.what is the good time to do coching & articleship simultaneously or seperatly
This Query has 2 replies
We are partnership firm. we already prepared data for TDS of last year to issue to our parties. But we cant clear out that the format of tds certificate is valid that we issued last year or there may be change in it ? I also confused about the last quarter and challan number to prescribe in 16A form ? Guide me .
Thanking you.
This Query has 5 replies
Dear Sir,
I am a working in accounting team of a consultancy Company. I am facing a problem while deducting TDS on hired Taxi, I am confused whether i should deduct TDS on Contractor u/s 194 C or TDS on Rent u/s 194 I.
Please answer my query & tell me what should I do while deducting TDS on Hired Taxi Services, please explain with the authority of law in supporting to your answer so that I will be able to convince the other members of my Organisation.
Nishant Kumar
Mob. 098688-12448
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u/s 40a(3)of income tax act it is stated that cash payment limit is 20,000 for the any business exp. except the transactions given in rule 6dd,i want to know that the limit is per transaction or per person at one time?if there is purchase exp.for rs.76,000 and if i want to pay whole amt in cash to one person then what to do?can i make bifercation of that amt in 4 transaction for payment to the same person?can i purchase for more than 20,000 in cash from the one person?
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Sir, Our issue is this :- We are basically a Software company owing a commercial building. We have let it for rent and the total rent receivable exceeds Rs. 8 lacs per annum . When we raised the invoice along with ST component, the lessee refused to pay the same stating that it is not part of the original agreement. How do we convince them to pay the Service Tax ? Kindly give me some case laws/judgements etc which says that ST is to be borne by the receipient of service .
Thanks Subbu
This Query has 7 replies
i have passed C.A. P.E.-II exams as well as B.COM. now what courses can i do alongwith finals
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I have client receiving comission from foreingn parties for rendering services outside india. He is indenting agent and receiving comission for the service rendered by him from foreign client,
Whether service tax applicable on such income or it is export of services????
This Query has 4 replies
from when the draft regulation regarding increase in entitlement to engage articles is going to be effective .....
pls guide .....
increase in no. of articles