This Query has 1 replies
A widow aged 85 years has a property transferred to her on the death of her husband. Now she wants to sell the same for 2 crores in this year. She has never ever paid any tax. She has four children. How can the property be sold with no tax liability on the widow?
This Query has 3 replies
I would like to know which of the following institutes in Bangalore offers best coaching for PCC.
1) Yeshas academy
3) Shri Ram
This Query has 4 replies
HI.. is there any case laws/circulars/jusdgments which says that the receipient of services is liable to pay ST and not the Servcie provider?
This Query has 2 replies
We are having a co.share and want to sell them on a higher price
what will be the tax liablility .
if tr. them before one year and if tr. them after one year
if we can reduce the tax liability how it possible
pls reply members
This Query has 3 replies
Does anybody has Form 16 and Form 16A in Excel or Word Format pls reply
This Query has 2 replies
Can some body guide me about 145A statement
(a) how to give treatement while calcuating the income tax for the company
(b) under what cicumsatance it should add and deduct from the profit.
(c) what are the items like Excise, VAT etc apart from the above to be added in the statement.
(d) if any body has excel file with practical example how to calculate the 145a and how to give effect in the income tax cacluation
This Query has 2 replies
thanks a lot for solving my query.
i mentioned of retailer and as u mentioned i'll have to consider 5% of the total turnover as income if turnover does not 40 lakhs. and also it is not necessary to operated through current a/c.
so finally to start with filling procedure
1. will i'll have to prepare final accounts showing around 5% as income of the total turnover.
and any other compulsory rule to comply with other then filling with the appropriate form u can suggest.
This Query has 2 replies
My question is, what will be treatment of 'Notice Pay' paid to earlier employer. Whether it will deduct from the head of salary computation either it is recovered from current employer or not. Infact the notice pay recovered from the current employer has taken in computation of salary and for which period notice pay paid, the employee receive the salary and pay tax on that. In my opinion the ' Notice Pay' Paid should be deduct from salary.
CA. Mahesh Kedia
This Query has 1 replies
Sir during applying for visa or job occasionally a CA has to mention the stdy level,In the general interest any body should make it clear what one should say
CA equivalent to 1.Master Degree 2.Degree course 3.Higher Course 4.Diploma.5.other
With Thanks
This Query has 1 replies
A company pays technical fees to foreign company, which has no office in India. Whether it necessary to levy service tax by service receipent?
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)
Capital gains