Vijayaganesh Sampathkumar
04 April 2008 at 17:04

Service Tax on Related parties

I have a query with regard to Union Budget 2008 changes.

The explanation to sec.67 has been amended to include the following:

(7b) "associated enterprise" has the meaning assigned to it in section 92A of the Incometax Act, 1961;

(c) "gross amount charged" includes payment by cheque, credit card, deduction from
account and any form of payment by issue of credit notes or debit notes and book adjustment, and any amount credited or debited, as the case may be, to any account, whether called “Suspense account” or by any other name, in the books of account of a person liable to pay service tax, where the transaction of taxable service is with any associated enterprise.’

In view of the above change, let us consider a scenario. I am a service provider. I provide services to A (related party) and B (not a related party). I send an invoice for services rendered to both A and B. The invoice is for 100000 service rendered and service tax @ 12% which is 12000, for a total of 112000.

Now, should i pay the service tax on the transaction with A immediately, without waiting for A to pay me the amount?

In respect of B, i would be paying the amount of 12000 service tax, only after B pays me the amount of 112000.

Because of the budget changes, am i liable for service tax as soon as i treat A as my Debtor (being a related party)?

Can someone please clarify? That would greatly help.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards / VIjay

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CA Vikas Agrawal
21 March 2008 at 12:04

service tax on works contract

we r, working as a builder, we gave the works cotract ( excluding cement & steel),
my querry is that when works contractor raised the running bill, then at what amount he will charge service tax,
bcoz in notification no. 29/2007, mention the value of work contract service determined shall be equivelent to the gross amount charged for the works contract LESS the value of TRANSFER OF PROPERTY IN GOODS INVOLVED IN EXECUTION OF WORKS CONTRACT, and LESS VAT TAX,

then in the case of works contract we will deduct all material used in execution of work contract is it right ?

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17 March 2008 at 12:13

Bonus provision - Practical issues


Computation of Bonus payable for the year involves an elaborate process. It starts with adjustments to Net profits earned during the period( Please refer Section 4 and Second Schedule of Payment of Bonus Act, 1965).


Bonus shown as payable to employees is taken into consideration for computation of tax on Salary income of employees . Further TDS deducted from salary is to be paid to IT dept before 7th April( For March month)


It means the bonus computation is to be finalised before 7th April of a year. For this company has to finalise its balance sheet before 7th April.


1) Can anyone please let me know how do companies practically manage to finalise a Balance sheet before 7th April?

2) Even if the company somehow manages to finalise its balance sheet before 7 April, there is possiblitlity of Auditors recommending some changes to finalised Accounts sometime later than 7 April. How do companies deal with that?

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CA supriyo saha
10 March 2008 at 15:13

regarding bond yeilds

1) A bond which has 30 yrs to maturity and giving coupon rate 8%semi-annually is callable in 5 yrs at a call price of rs 1100/-. current YTM-7%.
wht is yeild to call?
whtt is yeild to call if call price=rs 1050?
pl solve this sir.

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08 March 2008 at 15:02

set off of loss

my client senr rs 5 laksh with his employee during f y 06.07 for purchase og goods .and the employee went abconding. this was shown in the books as receivavable from him.
now the police have arrested him and said that the amount is irrecoverable. the business was closed during the f y 07-08
how can he set off this loss
how to adjust this entry

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28 December 2007 at 20:22

CA certificate in respect of EPCG

Hi friends,

Could you please let me know the details in respect of CA certificate for EPCG export obligation? One of the client company has fulfilled export obligation of eight times of duty saved in respect of import made in 2007 dec.When should the certificate be obtained from CA in appendix 9a and 22.Is there any guidance book available?

Please advice me in this regard.

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