
Dear Sir,

What is the % of disallowance on office equipement & furniture . I think It is 4% & remaining is allowable for Set off.
is it right?

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Hi, all

I require the answer very urgently

I a company makes payment from India as branding fees for an sporting event in America. What is the TDS rate applicable and in which section it is applicable?

Thanks & Regards.
Hitesh Khona

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Arun chaturvedi

A contractor has made a payment to sub-contractor without deducting tds on payment. Whether he claimed a expenditure or not.

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CA CS CIMA Prakash Somani
29 September 2008 at 14:59

Tax treatment on redevelopment of building

I want to know tax implications in below cases:

1. Our building is under redevelopement and builder shifts us to another house for which we are paying rent and getting reimbursment of the same. So what is treatment of Rent recd from the redeveloper??

2. We also got corpus fund of Rs 200000/- each member, wht is the treatment of the same???

Whether both are taxable incomes?

Do provide the section reference.

Thank you in advance.

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CA CS Akashdeep Singh
28 September 2008 at 13:15

Section 43B

Sales tax payable is liability so why this include in Sec 43B, if it is a liability then there is no question of allow or disallow

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11 September 2008 at 18:03

VAT Monthly returns - reg,

Doubts in VAT returns – we are submitting VAT 200 every next month 15th day, for July 31 we raised 5 invoice but one is approved in time (August before 15th ) reaming invoice are approved after the submission of VAT 200 monthly returns – How can I show that balance invoice in VAT returns? (Should I submit revised VAT returns for July or shall I take that balance 4 invoice in this month VAT Returns August month. (Our sales are completely exempted sales so we are not paying sales tax) Please suggest.

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11 September 2008 at 13:27

Timing of TDS u/s 194J & cost audit

In 2007-08 X & Co appoints a cost auditor under S 233B of the companies act for audit of cost accounts maintained for FY 2007-08 under S 209 (1) (d) and gets the approval of the Govt.

As per cost audit report rules 2001, X & Co has to produce the cost accounts to the cost auditor within 135 days after the close of the Financial Year and Cost auditor has 45 days to audit and submit the cost audit report to the Govt.

Accordingly the company produces the cost accounts for year 2007-08 and the auditor completes the audit in FY 2008-09 within the prescribed time limits. Bill raised and paid after the completion of the audit report, in FY 2008-2009

The following questions arise for clarification:

1. When should the company credit the account of the auditor and deduct the TDS under S 194J? (FY 2007-08 or FY 2008-09)?

2. What period should be mentioned in the TDS certificate (sec 203 ) and Form No 26 AS (Sec 203 AA...)?

3. When does the audit fee become income of the auditor (whether under mercantile system or Cash basis accounting)? (and when can he successfully claim the TDS in the return ( AY 2008-09 or AY 2009-10)?

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11 September 2008 at 11:42

TDS on Printing charges for Annual Reports

Dear Sir,

whether TDS is to be deducted in case of Printing charges ( for 5,000 copies Annual Reports) on bill Amt of Rs.79,248/- ( incl. of VAT 4 %) is applicable?

Pl. resolve the my query asap.

Thanks & Regards,
Chidananda K R

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Sameer Panjwani
11 September 2008 at 10:28

Are EOU units liable to MAT?

Our company has just got registered as a 100% EOU unit for our Web Services and as a result we would be exempt from income tax. However, I hear of MAT being applicable to all companies now irrespective of being EOU certified, is that true? Also, suppose the net profit for the year is expected to be Rs.2 crore, how much would the MAT work out to and do I have to pay advance tax on this amount. Is there any different way to filing MAT as there is to Income Tax?

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Tanvi Shah

Is TDS applicable for payments to Air Ticket Booking Agencies?
Ifyes, TDS to be deducted as per sec194C?

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