Is it mandatory to have service tax registration number to claim cenvat credit refund under rule 5, if we export 100% of our services out of india.
can any one give some case law
can any body tell me the depreciation rates on
1) Docks and seawalls,Piers and Navigational aids.
2) Cranes and vehicles
3) Floating crafts.
4) Wharves , roads,and boundaries
5) Capital Dredging.
Any body who has ever handled an audit of a port can definetly answer this question.
What is the full form & meaning of TRIM?
Dear All From Today onwards I will Ask one question Daily from Direct Taxes. Dont think that i know the answer.
If possible please reply the source or relevant case laws for the answer:
Q. Whether in an assessment to which presuptive taxation u/s 44AD of Income Tac Act Applies, can AO make addition to income on the basis of admissions made by Assessee in Survey proceedings.
Q. A Practiicng CA go to USA for doing MBA, and he claimed the expenses on trip to USA as well as Expenes on stuides as deduction against his income from Profession. AO disallowed the above expenditure on the ground that MBA was altogether a new qualification, which had no connection with the profession of CA. Discuss.
x is a pvt ltd co running a convention centre in india. they prepare food at their kichen and serves at the convetion halls. x charges food at per head rate say Rs 500/- per head. they makes \kvat bills and remit the vat at 0.50% compounded rates. they does not pay services tax.
x never is never cateres outside thier premises so they are not coming under the perview of the definition outside catering.
kindly advise me what is the service tax implication on the above trasnasction?
If we receive a GTA service in relation to export sale, whether it is exempt under GTA Rules of service tax or not.
please clarify.
Suppose Mr. "A" is working in pvt. company. His mother (age 67)get partial(35%) paralysis attack and admitted to the hospital for treatment under Neurosurgon Doctor. Mr. A get Rs. 15000/- from company towards treatment for the same, But in form 16A they didn't given the benefit of 80DDB and treated as incentive & included in salary & no dedction. Can Mr. A still claim deduction u/s 80 DDB even Form 16A didn't mentioned ? Can only Hospital Exp. will be claimed or exp. on medicine are also allowed ? Upto what limit Mr. A claim deduction u/s 80 DDB. What about medicine exp even after discharge from hospital? If the medicine remain continue more than 1 year then what? What is procedure to claim deduction u/s 80DDB ? Did any Certificate required from Dr. of govt hospital ? Note :
Answer nowCan you please provide me some sample leeters written to ITO on various subjects like TDS , providing information of third party,etc.My mail id is
Answer nowi want to know exactly that can public provident fund account balance be attached with the income tax department recovery ?
hope 2 c the reply soon
Is Vat audit compulsory in case of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh & MP.
IF so what is the due date?
Refund under cenvat credit