I just signed up for a duplex house in hyderabad. The actual cost of the house is 50Lacs (PlotCost+CostofConstruction=9,33,000+40,67,000). Now the builder is charging ServTax@4.12% on 40,67,000=1,67,560/- and VAT@4% on 42,34,560(40,67,000+1,67,560)=1,69,382. The ST+VAT component is totalling to 3,36,942/-. Is this calculation correct??
As per my understanding of ServTax according to this link http://in.rediff.com/getahead/2005/aug/03tax.htm.
The Statement:
"With effect from June 16, 2005, exemption has been provided up to 67% of the gross value of services provided by the builder. Hence, service tax would be charged on 33% of the gross value."
33%*40,67,000=13,42,110/-. So ServTax=4.12%*13,42,110=55,294/-.
1.Is the above (55,294)calculation correct?? If not
pls explain in detail.
2.ServTax is mentioned as 12.36% in all matters, then how come its being charged as 4.12%? On what basis is this figure reached?
3.Am I being charged inappropriately by the builder??
4.When I was talking to another builder he told that VAT was charged at 1% and not 4% and that too it needs to be paid at the time of registration, so he asked me to reinquire again with the builder i'm signing up wiht. This put me in a BIG DILEMMA, as to whether i'm being taken for a ride or is everything fair.
5.My builder is insisting that I pay the ST & VAT by the time of 1st installment release of the bank loan.
6.The house is still under construction (70%complete), so am I still liable to pay ST/VAT at this stage itself or can I pay after taking possession of house, alongwith registration?
Sorry if i'm asking too much, as i'm not familiar with all these terminology. Just started reading articles on these and confused, until I came across this site. I hope my clarifications are answered in best interest of me.
Is there any circular has been passed by CBDT regarding no payment of income tax refund until scruitiny assessment will be pending. If there is such circular has been passed, please provide me such circular at the earliest.
Above is most urgent.
My Co. is a private ltd. company. We are management consultants and conduct online test for students. Now we have done agreement with other proprietor firm to purchase online test product (psychometric test) with support services for promote to our business. Now we want to pay rs. 75,000/- as per agreement. It will be attract any type of tax liability/TDS.
Whether service tax is chargeable on the sale of Recharge Coupons. Acutally the coupons are purchase at a discount and sold to the retailers.
Hello Friends,
My question is whether service tax is applicable in case of Paddy Milling Charges?
please refer to Notification No 14/2004-st dated 10-09-2004 and also explanation (ii) to Notification No 13/203-st dated 20-06-2003.
The notification no 14/2004 exempts production/processing of goods done in relation to agriculture and the 13/2003 defines agriculture produce.....
is an assesse does not pays the interest on tds on which he is liable to pay because of late payment to the credit of central government, than what are its consequences ?
Answer nowIf there is no any specific provision of issuing assessment order, whether the department can issue demand note, without issuing assessment order? Whether the department can take this ground that the dealer, if required, may get certified copy of the Assessment Order ny paying a requisite fee?
Answer nowWe have incurred expenditure on account of advertisement of Rs.95 Lac (Aprrox.) on NDTV group.
We would like to treat this expenses as deferred expnditure. Can, we treat as deferred expedniture ? If yes how many year can we written off ?
Is It ok to show as deferred expnediture as per I.Tax Act & Company act?
Pls advise me.
Baljinder Singh
Dear all,
one of my client is registered under MVAT and having the business of supplying surrvey instruments & civil engineering material, recently he has supplied survey instruments to Maharashtra State Govertnment(PWD)and has rasied the bill with vat @ 12.50% the office while paying him has deducted VAT @ 4%, TDS @ 5.25%, service Tax @ 12.36% and has paid the bill,
i.e. suppose the bill amount is Rs 1,000/- they have deducted Rs 40 as vat, Rs 52.50 as tds, & 123.60 as service tax.
now my query is under which section they have deducted this tax? can they deducted it? can we claim the VAT amount while filling the half yearly VAT return & under which section ?
yes we can claim the TDS amount while filling the ITR, and he is not registered under service tax so that amount cannot be claimed.
Please Guide me
hoping for a positve response form all
Atul N.S.
Service Tax@4.12%