Respected Experts,
First of all wish u a very happy Diwali to all of U.
i want to know the abtchecking pattern of the ICAI exams.
Sir one of my friend who have appeared in the nov. PE-II exams told me that in the costing & FM paper he attempted the Ratio Question very well, All steps were right but unfortunately he take one ratio's figure wrong which was given in the question Now my query is that whether he will be awarded for that or not ?/ Whether all marks will be deducted or any credit will be given to him?
Once again happy diwali to all
Anil Jain.
sales exempt under sec 21 in vat audit report. wat is sec 21...?
sales exempt under sec 21,16(4)& 21(1)A in vat audit report. wat is sec 21UNDER WEST BENGAL VALUE ADDED TAX?
Hi everyone
I am a newly qualified member and iam also in practice. I want to know whether i can employ articled clerk or not ?
Is a gift received by Mr X from mother of his spouse comes with in the purview of gifts received from relatives and there by not taxable?
could the vat be charged on the freight mentioed in the purches bill.
the purchase order was given freight exclusive.
Dear All
Our travel agent providing us the Air/Train ticket for staff travels.
For Air travel he charges nothing but fare.
But in the invoice for Train ticket he submits also his service charges plus service tax on service charges though mentioned separately.
Do I need to deduct TDS on the total invoice amount( it comprises of Train fare + (service charges+ service tax)) if amount goes above INR 20,000.00 in a single invoice or INR 50,000.00 for the full year.
Shall I ask him to submit two different bills one for train fare -for no tds and other for service charges for tds as per law,
one single bill that mentioned two amounts( one for ticket & other for service charges)separately & cleary but total is a sum of the two will serve the same purpose.
An early reply would be appreciated.
Puran Dangwal
Whether section 115JB is applicable to a company having 100% deduction under Section 80JJA.And whether profits under sec 80JJA can be reduced from the profit as per the calculations U/s 115JB to arrive at Book Profit U/s 115JB ?
Can a son claim Intt.or repayment of housing loan (Loan taken by son) but house is in the name of mother. If yes, any sec./rule/or case law, because the employer of son is not giving expemption to son. Another query, whether a son can claim two housing loan benefits.
Vinod Sharma
whether Interest and repayment of housing loan claim by a son ( Who have actually taken loan) but house is in the name of mother. If yes, then any sec. or case law available, because employer is not giving exemption to son, Another query is whether a son can claim two housing loan benefits at a time.
Vinod Sharma
About Checking