03 March 2008 at 16:59

regarding cpt

hi sir i want to ask what would be the negative marking for june 2008 attempt and wat wld be the pass % 4 june 2008

CA Praveen Chopra
03 March 2008 at 16:51

Finance for purchase of land

Do banks finance for purchase of land only.

Kovid Jolly
03 March 2008 at 16:50

Liquidation of HUF / Partnership firm


I have a query.

Incase an HUF (under liquidation) has after paying up all its secured creditors some losses left in the books.

Can that HUF sell its business (book losses) to a COMPANY?

If yes, can you please mention the procedure for such Liquidation and consequent Acquisition?

my email : kovid25@gmail.com

Thanks and regards,

03 March 2008 at 16:38

input credit & out put

Dear all,

Can any body provide me th Goods on which we can take input service tax credit.
1)AS Trader

03 March 2008 at 15:48


Hi I am Ratnamala doing an articalship from a medium size firm from 1 year their I lern a lot & did maximum Govt. audit, stat audit. but during the entire year dident get any time to study my attempt is in May 2009 which is very soon & my firm allow leave of only 3 months for exam so I decided to join another firm where I working hours are less & at teast 4 months of leave is allowed.
Can anybody suggest me a firm where I can get such concession!
Doing dummy articalship is good or not, but I dont have reference for such kind of job.

D.Durga Prasad
03 March 2008 at 15:17

Provident Fund

Dear Sirs,

Can you help me about PF?

1. Basic Salary is 30,000
Restricted Salary as per PF Act Is Rs6500

In this case what amount i want take for Employee Contribuation at 12% and Employer Contribuation at 12?

2. Is this stiphened paid to the staff is applicable for PF

umashankar vaishnav
03 March 2008 at 14:59

CPT Examination Pattern

CPT Examination Pattern

Common Proficiency Test is an objective type test with a scheme of negative marking for each wrong

answer. In other words, 0.50 marks would be decided wherever a wrong answer is given in respect of a

question carrying 1 mark.

The questions would be objective in nature accommodating different patterns.

earlier negativing marking was only 0.25 for each worong answer


CA Praveen Chopra
03 March 2008 at 14:56

service tax on cargo handling service

Is cargo handling services in respect of agricultural produce is exempt outrightly or only for agricultural produce intended to be stored in cold storage.

03 March 2008 at 14:49

Applicability of TDS

Which section would apply for deduction of TDS for Car Hire charges is it 194C or 194I...can anyone help us...

03 March 2008 at 14:38

Capital Gains on agricultural land

Mr. X has purchased 3.00 Acres of agricultural land for Rs. 3.00 lakhs in May,2004. The said land is within panchayat limits and more than 8 Kms from a town/city. He has sold the said agricultural land for Rs. 18.00 lakhs in December, 2005. Is there any liability for capital gains tax?