Rajkumar Maheshwari
05 March 2008 at 19:08

Interest Calculation

How to calculate Interest on TDS [ On 10.04.2007 a sum of Rs. 55000/- paid towards labour payment but no TDS were deducted at there time. on 29.02.2008 Rs. 1133/- Deducted as TDS on that amount @ 2.06% & on 07.03.2008 TDS is to be deposit with Interest. How to calculate the Interest Amount @ 1% p.m. on Rs. 1133/-. How many months interest is to be calculat.


1)Co Op. Credit society (in maharashtra) has given loan to a borrower against mortgage of house property of Rs. 3.00 Lacs.
2)In due course, the loan became NPA and the borrower went absconding.
3)The property mortgaged was auctioned by the society and Rs.1.88 Lacs were recovered.
4) What to do with the remaining amount? if guaranter's can be prosecuted for recovery? if yes, what is the procedure.
5) Or can the society adjust the bad portion of the debt against the Bad & Doubtful Debts Reserve; if yes; what is the process?

Amarjeet Singh
05 March 2008 at 18:13

Rohini Garments

Can u give me the citation no. of Rohini Garments recently judgement of special bench of ITAT giving tha decision that while claiming the 80HHC u are required to first deduct 80IA & IB than on remaining amount u are required to claim the deduction.

Atul Vachharajani
05 March 2008 at 18:10

AGM not held for 6 years

A public listed company (now delisted by BSE from 2004)could not held its AGMs from 2002 onwards as the operations were closed due to cumulative effect of various factors and Court receiver having taken physical possession of the records and premises.

New management has now stepped in and they want to streamline the affairs. Accordingly the AGMs of all past 6 years from 2002 to 2007 are to be held now. My queries are:

1. Can we show the AGMs as held during respective years and adjourned due to non availability of accounts but approving rotational appointments of directors ?

2. What should the Notice of AGMs now proposed to be held state in light of the above ?

Any other point relevant to this situation.


Atul Vachharajani

trivender jeet singh
05 March 2008 at 17:44

Income tax Section 143(2)

If in a case notice U/s 148 issued for filing of return within 30 days but the assessee filed his retutrn after 30 days whether notice u/s 143(2)is mandotory before passing the order. Please also quote the judgement if any

05 March 2008 at 17:24

Branch transfer - Form 'F'

Our company is executing mechanical works (mechanical works contract, like fabrication of dame gates) in all states in India. H.O. is registered in Andhra Pradesh and also registered other states also ware the work was allotted.

We have purchased the motors at HO in AP from AP/Other States against form ‘C’ with AP TIN.

Q1. The motors as it is sent to Maharashtra (other state) what is the VAT/CST liability in AP and Maharashtra
Q2. the motors fixed with Mechanical Hoist (fabricated some other manner) and sent to Maharashtra what is the VAT/CST liability in AP and Maharashtra
Q3. what about Form ’F’ and what documents will be produced to Commercial Tax Dept. where we will get the ‘F’ Forms and when we will get (i.e. Yearly of every transaction)

In the above cases without tax liability how can i send the material pl. suggest .

Thank you sir.

05 March 2008 at 17:22

TDS on UTI Master plus 91

Whether dividend on UTI Master plus 91 is taxable or not. If yes then under which section.

ravi agarwal
05 March 2008 at 17:03



CA Shailesh +91 9393926464
05 March 2008 at 17:02

Capital Gains - Sec 54EC

Sec 54EC says, "any capital gain from transfer of long term assets......"

So, If i sell long term depreciable asset, can i enjoy the benefit u/s 154EC by investing the gain under REC Bonds/NHAI bonds.

05 March 2008 at 16:53

project report

i just want to prepare project of client releating to khadi gramodyog as finance project. can i get guidence or get profarma of project report on khadi gramodyog prakalp.