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LCI Learning

Mujeeb ur Rehman
21 April 2008 at 14:58

Tax Implication

If a person has sold residential house property in India and has long term capital gain on it, will he be able to claim the benefit of Section 54 if he purchases residential house property outside India? Will the answer be different if he is non-resident in India last year?

agarwal ankur
21 April 2008 at 14:50

cenvat of duty on capital goods


A Public ltd company is putting up a plant to manufacturing News print and writing printing paper.

the co. has started the construction of building & installation of machinery for the purpose from may 2007.
The building has been constructe and the installation of the Machinery is likely to be completed by June/July 2008 only.
The company has availed Cenvat on the stenth of the Invoices of the Machinery purchased.

The Query is if we can avail 100% cenvat on machinery installing during 2007-08 for clearence of our production during 2008-.09.

We would also request to clarify of our entiltlment to avail cenvat credit during 2008-09 to the extent 50% or 100% with the help of the decided case laws or notifications or circulars


agarwal ankur
21 April 2008 at 14:47

cenvat on mobiles

The company has installed 12 fixed lines (base telephones)from Bsnl,Mtnl etc. These telephones are installed at the address of the directors residences
some of these connections are taken in the name of the directors of the company.
Company has availed cenvat of service tax on these telephones bills paid by the company moreover Dept. opposed to disallow cenvat avail on the bills
1- which are not in the name of the company
2- which are in the name of the company but have the address of the residence of the directors of the company.
simmiliar sitituation arise in the case of the mobile phones which in the name of the Director and having the add. of the factory and which r in the name of the company but having the add of the residence of the director .
Moreover Company has shown the residence of director as purchase office/sale office for the purpose of convienence, being away from the main city although no rent is being paid by the company for the same to the directors.
i would request to u plz advice whether the company is eligible to avail the benifit of cenvat of service tax paid on the telephones/ mobile phones plz quote the decided case laws of any circular or notification

21 April 2008 at 14:42


PLZ tell where i can get the suggested of ca final for may 04 and before in pdf or word format



i want to ask that i had taken my first transfer on 22nd nov.07 & i have completed my 6 months training and now i again want to take transfer..so again do i have to complete six months of training or not...n i want to know are there any restriction on no.of transfers...n about the restriction of 6 months...

21 April 2008 at 14:25

TDS in Wrong TAN

Dear Experts,

Can you guide me, If any assessee Deposited the TDS in the wrong TAN, How can this amount to be adjusted in the TDS Returns



Alpa Doshi
21 April 2008 at 13:48

ROC documents

Dear Sir,

Ours is a Private Limited Company. I want to know what are the requirements of ROC for a private limited company with regards to Maintaining of various registers, board meetings, resolutions, annual returns....etc.

Thanks for the help.


Alpa Doshi

biren thakkar
21 April 2008 at 13:35


Respected Sir,

I wanted to know that fixed sum recieved from the party as a minimum magin attracts service tax or not.

Sushant Lohani
21 April 2008 at 12:55

Process accounts: A

Case I:
Units Rs
Op. Stock 2000 2000
Units intro. 20k 8k
N. Loss 400 20
Cl. stock 1500 1500

R.M. - 4000
Labour - 6000
O/h - 640

What is cost per unit? Is it:

a){ ((2000+8000-1500)+6000+640+4000)-20}/


b) {((2000+8000+6000+640+4000)-20}/


Units Rs
Opening WIP 1500 15k
Units Intro. 18500 52k
Normal loss 1000 3000
Closing WIP 5000 18k

Suppose equivalent units of production of R/m is 16000. How to find cost per unit of RM.

Is it
a) (52k-4000)/16000
OR {(52000+15000)-4000}/16k
OR {(52000+15000-18000)-4000}/16000

Q1.plz expplain the logic as well

21 April 2008 at 12:52

general information (r. v rao sir)

hi sir rv rao the answers answered on ca club india are 100% correct or we shall enquir from any other plase . i mean from chennai. pls ans sir.