Krishna Chaitanya M


I am doing the internal audit of a listed company. It has to go for qtrly publication.

1)I want to know whether deferred tax asset/deferred tax liability should be calculated on a quarterly basis or yearly basis?
2) Can recognizing the deferred tax at the year end (31 march) instead of recognizing it in the P& L a/c for quarter end(30june, 30sept, 31st dec) amounts to non-compliance of AS 22 ?

Plz elaborate

Abhishek Bhalla
25 July 2008 at 13:22

Surcharge on Withholding Tax

Can someone please tell me as to how much is the current surcharge and education cess along with withholding tax on money being remitted to a foreign company (in US) for technology transfer (trade mark rights).

Also could you mention the relevant provisions where the figures would be mentioned.

Thanks in advance,

Abhishek Bhalla

25 July 2008 at 13:17

Details regarding Excise

kindly give the details regarding excise, its role , prcedure of its accounting , excise work.
thank you

tarin shah
25 July 2008 at 13:09

capital gain

can manufactureing licence be liable for capital gain tax?

joshy k.g.
25 July 2008 at 12:22

As-26-intangible assets

Prepaid expenses for Advertisment & publicity shown in Balancesheet from year 2003-04 onwwards
from which a particular amounts is shown as expenses in each year from 03-04
what about your opinion about showing balance not w/off amount in balance sheet in the f.y. 2007-08

25 July 2008 at 12:18

filling of form 16

i m mohinesh sangodkar from go i would like to no if i can file return for salary without the company stamp and sign

hope my queari will b solved

asha fernandes
25 July 2008 at 12:07

tax audit limit

in case of a person who regularly buys and sells shares and also in derivatives.,i would like to know if the sale consideration from the transatcions are to be considered for the limit of sec 44ab or the net profit from such transactions are to be considered forthe 40 laks limit
2) even if there are a lot of transactions running into crores can they still be considered as short term or long term gains
3) now because fo sec 43(5)derivativs are not considered as speculation, so what does this mean that income from derivatives are always to be considered as business income/loss
please let me know urgently
thank u

Jiwan singh
25 July 2008 at 11:58

Bill not proper

1-If bill not proper (not st no./not bill no/not complete address etc.) can we take credit of service tax .

25 July 2008 at 11:58

Fringe Benefit Tax

FBT whether liable to partnership firm where no employee is there but three partners out of which one is working partner.

Prakash Jasani
25 July 2008 at 11:53

section 40(a)(i)

Dear Experts,

Pls.let me know when expenses are disallow u/s 40(a)(i).

Pls.explain in detail,if possible bec's I am very confused.

Prakash Jasani