Depreceation for motorcar is it 50% for AY 2009-10?????.
i apeard for pe2 exams in november 2008 and applied for recounting of my grouop as i failed in information technology by 1 mark and aggregate by 06 marks. so plz help me out. plz felling bit low
I am an CHA.
I purchase clearance with servicetax & sale with service tax.Some time the purchaser charges excess agency charges.agency charges are charged service tax.some time we deduct the excess agency charges and its service tax.
Eg: agency charges 1000
service tax 10.36% 104
total payable 1104
paid (800+83) 883.00
can i reverse the remaining charges with service tax (200+21) 221.00 same like purchase return and say the duration for reversing the entry
entry:(agency purchase )dt1/10/09
party ac cr 1104.00
agency dr 1000.00
st 10.36% dr 104.00
reverse entry (deduction)dt 31/3/09
party dr 221
agency cr 200.00
st 10.36 21.00
please say
can u give me a information about the on which date it will announce and if it is announced please give me a list
please say me how shound i call. interest:
service tax payable: october to december
this amount is to paid on 1/4/2009 so how much should i pay the interest.How to calculate the interest
pls.so eg: for calculation
please say the date for payment of service tax qtrly & also return filling dt.
Can you provide me any list / link where i can get the exhaustive list of schemes covered under section 80C of IT Act.
One Public Co. incorporated on 13.03.2008 is wishing to compile its first annual accounts as on 31.03.2009 and not 31.03.2008 which is permissible under Companies Act. But I want to know whether it is liable to file Return of Income for AY 08-09 or not ? and also whether it is required to be audited because it is not falling under Sec 44AB ?
Please reply.
what is the accounting treatment of service tax on telephone expenes
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)
Dep rate for Motor car