Easy Office
LCI Learning

varun gupta

IF a manufacturing organization purchases a Weighing machine to be used to weigh its final products, this machine should be taken under Plant & Machinery or under Office Equipments so as for the purpose of calculating Depriciation? If it is to be taken under P & M, will the condition of Double shift also apply in case machine is used in double shift to weigh goods?

varun gupta
05 May 2009 at 14:47

TDS on Salary

A company lays off its employee in Mid-marcha in a way that his last working day is 15th Mar and pays his full & final settlement amt for salary and other encashments in Apr end. Now, should the company make provision for such expense at Mar end itself as liability is confirmed and also the amt. If yes, when shd company deduct TDS from the amt payable to employee? For employee, this final settlement amt will be taxable in which year?(in yr when he served or when he actually receives the amt)

varun gupta
05 May 2009 at 14:42

Input credit on Purchase of Asset

In case of purchase of an asset, the amt of VAT paid can be used as Input Credit. For this, should this purchase necessasrly be locally made or it can be from any state in the country?

CA Arvind Kumar Sharma
05 May 2009 at 14:38

Provision for anticipated losss

Hello Sir,

If the Company is having a contract with a Client to provide some IT services and is known at the inception of the Contract itself that the Contarct is going to incurr a loss. e.g Expample in a contract of 3 years- Contracted Revenue of 100Mn with Contracted Cost of say 150Mn i.e anticipated loss of 50 Mn for the 3 years.

1. Do we need to provide for this loss in the books to make the net margin Zero?

2. If yes than should that entirely (i.e 50Mn) be provided at the inception or over the contract life?


Ranimol C.K.
05 May 2009 at 14:37

TDS on Rent

I have to pay an office rent of Rs.60000/- (excluding service tax) from april 2009 onwards. How much is the TDS that I have to deduct from the Rent? What is the due date of tds on rent?

varun gupta
05 May 2009 at 14:36

Stock valuation


A company imports some Raw material say for Rs 1cr and pays 5lk as freight and other incidental expenses. Now, at the year end say 40% percent of this R/M lies unused. Firstly, i would like to ask that how the freight exp be shown in books? Shd it be debited to Purchase a/c or be it debited to Carriage Inward A/c? Now, How the closing stock of Raw Material be valued.? Shd the proportionate freigh cost be also added in actual cost or what?

05 May 2009 at 14:21

Regarding Due Diligence

Dear Sir,
I would like to know wat are the details and scope of Due diligence and what kind of work experience as well as knowledge is required for doing such a work plz sir do help by replying on my e- mail address

CA Sandeep Singh Rawat
05 May 2009 at 14:07

working bayond working Hours

If an article works above the limit of 35 hours then how much comensatoris he/she will be given??

and will the notification be in effect from now or from the date of Starting of training i.e. even a year before..

CA Sandeep Singh Rawat
05 May 2009 at 14:03

working Hours for Articles

in the newsletter of d month there is A line..
The facility of allowing flexible office hours stands withdrawn..

What does it mean..
Plz reply soon Thanks

varun gupta


As per service tax rules, in case of goods transport service the service receiver(Consignor or consignee) is required to pay service tax on the transporters bill amt. Now, if a consignor pays transporters bill directly but recovers the amt from consignee, then who will be liable to pay service tax on the service charges?