Easy Office
LCI Learning

05 May 2009 at 15:58

excise exemption

dear sir,

we are an excisable mfg unit-taking full cenvat & charging full excise.
recently, we purchased a raw material from a party having unit at Daman. Being in Union Territory, they have exemption in excise and hence not charged to us.
since excise is not charged, we didn't take cenvat credit-but entered the qty. of the raw material in RG part-II. Now my question is : Where to file this "duplicate for Transporte's "copy of gate-pass : In purchase bill file of Accounts dept., OR in file of cenvate gate-pass of excise dept. ??


bhagwati saran
05 May 2009 at 15:58

Daily Allowance

Dear Friends,

Have a Good Day,

Our Company is a Sales Markeing Company.

We are paying Daily Allowance to the Sale Executives like Rs. 150.00 per day for which dates he is present and goes on marketing at difference cities through reimbursement on fortnightly basis.

I need the Account head in which this expenditures should be accounted.

Further is it taxable in hand of employee or Company as FBT.


05 May 2009 at 15:55

TDS certificate - 16A

is it necessary that we have to issue TDS certificate on quarterly basis?

can't we issue on annual basis i.e. consolidated TDS certificate

and what we have to mention while issuing such certificate in the acknowledgement column? whether it should be a provisional receipt no. or something else

Bharat Kapoor

Please inform what is the procedure for appointing a Chairman-cum-Managing Director of a Private Ltd Company and what are the necessary forms required to be filed with ROC etc.Is it necessary to pass a resolution in general meeting.

Kamalesh Verma
05 May 2009 at 15:42

what is to be done under law

Dear All,

Please help in following:

say we are an indian public company having three subsidiearies in Bangladesh, UK and Dubai. Now we want to make Dubai company as holding company of Bangladesha and UK. What steps should we take and what will be the requirement for the same with the ROC,govt. etc. how do we proceed.

thanks & regards,


Ranimol C.K.
05 May 2009 at 15:39


How can i calculate TDS on Salary ? What are the deduction allowed?

Amit Deokule
05 May 2009 at 15:33


Hi All,


When we pay Per-diem allowance to Employees who go onsite for specific projects, is it mandatory to pay FBT on this?

Secondly, is Service tax on rent of commercial property applicable as 0% and from which date?

Hope to get immediate response.


Amit Deokule

Prashant Nerekar

We have undertake modifiation activity in which we are using material while doing modification. Pl inform whether excise duty is applicable or not.

If you any rule and act no in this connection pl inform the same.


I want to know about exemptioin for eg you will score income tax 60marks
but other subject cost and fm and it and sm you must score 30marks I want to cerify that exemption get income tax by 60marks how much marks would you score in other subject in a group

05 May 2009 at 15:24

service tax

A company has taken on lease an office space in a residential block. Should the lessor charge service tax on the rental