Easy Office
LCI Learning

Ankit Garg
16 July 2009 at 21:02

Pension Income

If a person getting pension from State Govt. for disability (100%), in which head this income will be taxed?

16 July 2009 at 20:59

Income Tax Return

Can Income Tax Department refuse to accept the I Tax Return where Income Declared is below taxable limit?

Ankit Garg

I am a resident and receiving salary income outside india and not remitting it to India, whether it will be taxable in India.
If I am getting salary in NRI Account of a bank of an India bank whether it will be treated that salary received outside India or in India.
How can I minimize my tax?

16 July 2009 at 19:43

vat audit & tax audit

Can A c.a appointed as tax auditor under income tax act conduct vat audit of the the same entity under MVAt act

Pushparaj. A
16 July 2009 at 19:32



Is this mandatory to provide payslips. If we don't issue the payslip to the employees, will this acquire any statutory compliane.

We do issue Form 16 for the staff annually and we get signatures for the salary credit in the register wherein the employees could be aware of the calculation.

If so, is it the task of an accounts team or hr. Kindly reply.


16 July 2009 at 19:25

Directors liability

Please inform me what will be the directors liability in a Pvt Ltd Company if company goes insolvent.



My Company have a foreign branch in USA. Whenever the invocie is booked in INR it has to be converted to the USD for the local reporting in USA. So at which date's Foreign Exchange Rate should be consider for the conversion. The conversion should be done on the invoice date or the date at which invoice is booked in the books.


Dear Experts,
If any 1 can guide me on this.

If a manufacturer is selling a product to an excise exempted unit, but purchasing raw material by paying excise.

Is there any clause in Central Excise Act for getting modvat for manufacturer?

It ll be very appreciated if any1 can help

sheetal maliye

A co. which other than an event management co., if organises an event, will it be allowed to claim deduction for the prize money so distributed by it? Will it be allowed to claim other expenses for organising the same event? If so, under which proviso or section will it come?

16 July 2009 at 18:54


What is the rate of depreciation for UPS WITH BATTERY USED IN COMPUTER. Assesse main business was TAKING CLASSES USING COMPUTER.