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LCI Learning

Lalit Mohan Goyal
15 July 2019 at 09:59

Capital gain


I purchase a res. house in 25/05/2014 for rs 515525/- which is sold by me in 25/08/2018 for rs 572000/- and stamp duty value is rs 615175/- stamp duty is 41000/- paid by me. what is the tax treatment in hand of me and by purchaser. pls guide me.

Devendra Nirwan
15 July 2019 at 09:41

Software import

I want to import a software from china for reselling purpose.
I will be receiving the Key for software via email and I have to download it online.So is there any tax applicable .And how to file gst return for this.
Please reply ASAP

Amit Raut
15 July 2019 at 09:40

Capital gain

In FY 2018-19, I booked short term capital loss (STCL) of 28000/- while I booked long term capital gain of 150000/- in same FY ..
Can I adjust the STCL against LTCG??


respected sir
banks and financial institutions are asking for CA attestation for financial statements of estimations and projections for granting of loan.and CA are doing the same. as per my knowldge one should not certify estimations and projections of financials. is there any guidelines by institute of charted accountants of india .
please discuss the issue .
thanking you

15 July 2019 at 09:30

Eform 22 & eform 22a

Dear Sir/Madam, We have filed eform 22A and got approval (STP). Now we plan to shift registered office within city limits. After filing eform 22 do we need again to file 22a. Please advise.

15 July 2019 at 09:16


A private limited company has two directors - husband and wife. directors children are going to school. Company pays the tuition fees of the children directly to the school and shows it as Education Allowance to one of the Director - Lady Director.

Now since the tuition fees is around Rs 350000/-, can both of the directors claim Rs 1.50 Lacs as rebate u/s 80C or only that director can claim who is receiving it as Education Allowance in her hand?


We are exporting goods without payment of duty , so we need to get the refund of accumulated GST (CGST+SGST+IGST) ,
please guide for some procedure , how we can proceed.

15 July 2019 at 07:37

Equity oriented mutual

I want to calculate capital gain on redeemption of equity oriented mutual fund.Its holding period is 14 months.
Whether it will exempt from tax

15 July 2019 at 07:01

Capital gain

For calculating taxation on mutual fund ,indexation required to do or not. Sir, For identifying short term /long-term capital gain on mutual fund.Sir we have to consider 36 months or 12 months . Plz advise .

Parth Shah
15 July 2019 at 02:03

Long term capital gain in itr2

I sold a property in September 2018 which was jointly held between me and my brother. Both of our share was 50% each. Just wanted to understand if all the details (sale price, cost of acquisition with indexation, cost of improvement with indexation, etc) to be filled in ITR 2 should be divided by 2.
For eg:
Sale price of property =24,00,000
Total Cost of acquisition with indexation: 17,00,000
Total capital gain: 7,00,000

In this deal my capital gain is only 3,50,000. However if I enter full value in LTCG section of ITR2, then my capital gain becomes double.

Should I only show my share of the deal as below:
sale price of property =12,00,000
Total Cost of acquisition with indexation: 8,50,000
Total capital gain: 3,50,000

Please advice

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