
1) Vendor supplies goods worth more than Rs.1 Lakh (within Maharashtra) invoice value
2) Vendor does not generate E Way Bill (EWB)
3) Vendor issues proper Tax Invoice to buyer
a) If vendor fails to generate EWB, is buyer liable to generate EWB for goods he has bought?

b) If answer to query "a" above is yes and buyer does not generate EWB, can a buyer avail GST input credit though vendor defaulted in generating EWB?


c) If buyer is not liable to generate EWB because vendor fails to do so, can buyer avail GST input credit though vendor defaulted in generating EWB?

Kollipara Sundaraiah
15 November 2020 at 07:51

RCM applicable

A gst registration composite scheme dealer purchases of old gunnyies from URD persons
Dealer RCM applicable sec 9(4) in gst act.

Jomon P B
14 November 2020 at 18:02

GST on discount received

As a part of sales promotion, our seller is allowing the discount of 5% on the previous month's invoices and they filed the credit note in the GSTR 1 of this month. We have the following doubts in this regard.
1. Whether we have to issue a debit note for the discount received?
2. Whether we have to include the values of Debit Notes in HSN wise summary report in GSTR 1?
3. If we are showing discounts received on the credit side of the Profit and Loss account, then whether we have to pay any GST on the same?
4. In which head in GSTR 3B we have to include the value of the debit notes?

14 November 2020 at 17:35

PF Entry in books of Employee

Dear Sir/Madam
What entry can be passed if Employee contributes to Provident Fund From his salary and also employer contributing pf in that account? ( in the books of EmployEE)
and also suggest which amount can be shown as receivable in the balance sheet( means the total of employee-employer contribution or else only employee contribution?)

Anu K

For the year 2018 the Closing balance of Fixed assets are not matching with Opening balance of Fixed asset year 2019. Similarly balance in Accumulated depreciation account balance are also not tallying.
What are steps to take to resolve this issue?

Deepali ganpat bhoir
13 November 2020 at 19:24


Hi, I have purchased flat in nov2019.before that year I was claiming hra exemption fully, but here my question is can I claim hra from April 2019to Oct 2019 before taking home loan on proportionate basis?? Pls reply


I am an Tenant (Individual under INCOME TAX ACT) paying rent of exactly Rs.50,000/- per month. As Sec.194IB makes it mandatory for tenants to withhold taxes on rental payments, over and above Rs.50,000/- p.m., am I still required to deduct TDS @ 5% for F.Y. 2019-2020?

13 November 2020 at 18:28

TDS for Non Residence for contractor

Dear Sir,

TDS for Non Residence for contractor (indide sales Representative) we have to pay USD2000

is it TDS Applicable & what is the rates for TDS?



Our Hospital is under a Educational Trust which have a 12AA Exemption from income tax department.
now our question is ?
1. if we make pharmacy under Trust pan no. then we can got examption u/s 12aa on pharmacy profit
2. Can we claim ITC of Medicine bills full or proportionately under Gst Act.
please give your correct and prompt advised.

sankar ponnan
13 November 2020 at 11:06

ITR Filing Date


Plz tell me the last date of ITR filing for Company for the financial year 2019-20?

Any late fee sir ?

thanks in adv