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LCI Learning

Amit purohit

Bank have imposed cancellation charges on forward contract to us. what is the accounting treatment of it. Our forward contract comes under cash flow hedge.

Ajay Mishra
08 February 2021 at 13:08

Salary to spause

I m a private medical professional. My wife also a doctor and retired few months back from govt job. Can I pay her salary from my clinic as an employee or for her services? Kindly advise me from IT point of view.

08 February 2021 at 12:00

Clubbing of Income

I had transferred 10 Lakh to my wife. She invested part of it in Shares and MF and she is doing business of share trading with the remaining amount.
My question are about clubbing of income:
1. I assume income (capital gain) if any received from share/MF investment will be clubbed with my income. am I right ?
2. What about her trading income. Will it be treated as her income or this also clubbed with my income?

Thanks in advance,

Manoj Chauhan

Dear all,

Suppose "A" company is selling milk pouches to another "B" company. The milk pouches are sold in "returnable milk crates" which are returned by "B" to "A" on regular basis.

On one occasion, "B" fails to return 50 milk crates to "A".

"A", therefore, raises a debit note (@ Rs.200 per crate) on "B" for recovery of amount of lost crates.

Now, please answer whether GST is applicable to this debit notes in lights of the following points:
1) GST is not applicable on pouch milk sale
2) GST is applicable on "sale" of crates
3) The rate of Rs.200/- per crate is the cost to "A" (In other words, "A" is not making any profit on this transaction, it is just recovering the cost amount)

08 February 2021 at 11:31


Hello, Please clear that whether late fee is payable on IFF. for not filing. In case when only sale is B2C only. and No tax is payable as ITC is availabe more than sale on Tax ledger account.

PARAS CHHAJEDpro badge online
08 February 2021 at 11:15

Appeal filing

Please guide how to file an ex parte adjudication order under Service Tax for FY 13-14 against a person who is not registered under Service Tax and now registered under GST? How much appeal fee is payable ? How to file the appeal electronically or physically ? How to make pre-deposit without service tax registration number. Kindly guide. Thanks

niloy sanyal
08 February 2021 at 11:03

GSTR9 F.Y. 19-20

Is it compulsory to show HSN details in GSTR9 return in column No. 17 and 18 for F.Y .2019-20 1) if turnover is grater than 1.50 crores but less than 5.00 crores 2) if turnover is grater than 5.00 crores

Sreedevi Pillai
08 February 2021 at 11:00

CSR Contributions

Dear Experts,

Kindly advise on the below doubts:

A Private Company has its own Registered Trust through which it is making CSR Contributions:

1) The Company pays a lumpsum to the trust assuming, Rs. 30,00,000/- for CSR Activities, out of which the trust spends Rs.20,00,000/- on CSR Activities. When it comes to approving the contributions by the Board and recording the same in the board minutes, will the Board approve contribution for Rs.30,00,000/- which is the amount given to the Trust or Rs.20,00,000/- which is the amount actually spent by the Trust?

2) Whether payments/donations made to other trusts by the Registered Trust of the Company be taken as CSR Contribution?

3) Company has given scholarships to 30 engineering and medical students belonging to different colleges. Is it acceptable as a valid CSR Contribution?


08 February 2021 at 10:05

Threshold limit for Restaurant

What is the threshold limit of turnover for restaurant to charge 5% GST with no ITC. Kindly share the notification if possible.
Also, if restaurant charges service charge then what will be the GST rates for food bill & Service Charge bill under no ITC

Pragna Marfatia
07 February 2021 at 23:41

QRMP payment 35% challan not allowed

I am having turnover less than 1 crore. Always filled quarterly gstr1 return.
1. I have paid tax in cash in October
2. I have paid tax by using credit in my ledger for both November and December.
3. I still have credit in my electronic ledger, both cash and credit.
Now, I tried creating challan in QRMP, with 35% challan option.
But it gives me the message that "The cash paid for tax liability in last GSTR3B is NIL/less than minimum amount required for 35% challan creation. Hence you are advised to make payment on self assessment basis".
Why such message, I have not understood.
When I have paid cash tax in October, and offset my liability for Nov and December using my ledger balance, why am I not allowed 35 % challan route. Please note, I still have credit balance in my ledger.
Request for your guidance.

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