15 July 2014 at 15:38

Service tax on security services

Hi All,

If service receiver is not a Company / LLP then service tax to be charged full 12.36%.
No Reversal of 25 / 75% is applicable.

What is correct ?

15 July 2014 at 15:33

Form 9 for dvat

Dear Experts,
As you all know a new form 9 is added in online filings of dvat portal, can you please let me know what is the use of it and how do we fill it up?


15 July 2014 at 15:33

26as from a.y. 2004-2005 onwards

Where can i find 26as from the A.Y. 2004-2005 onwards

15 July 2014 at 15:31

Due date

Please inform me Assessment Year 2014-15 tax audit and non tax audit filing due date

15 July 2014 at 15:29

About which itr form is applicable

A person has salary income and interest income (interest from saving bank a/c and fixed deposites) .
Additionally , he has earned Rs. 1,20,000 from giving tutions to students of 5th to 7th standard.
Gross Total income is around 1,45,700 . And after deductions available( u/s 80( TTA)) , total income is 1,44,400.

He has filed income tax return for f.y. 2013-14 using the form ITR- 1 , showing the tution income as income from other sources.
Is he correct ? Or Does he has to file form ITR-2 or 4 or 4S ? Does he need to file revised return in such other applicable form ?

Murli Dadhich
15 July 2014 at 15:28

Retirement of a partner

admission of a partner on the day of retirement of a partner on 15.07.2014. please show me proper procedure.

udma vinayak
15 July 2014 at 15:21

Form 26 as

Interest received from Fixed deposit in a company is shown in form 26 AS and also TDS has been deducted at 10% for the interest received.But status of booking is shown as "U" ie, 'unmatched'.
My doubt is whether this Interest income would be chargeable to tax ?

15 July 2014 at 15:20

Reimbursement to director

Dear Experts please solve my query.

Fuel Reimbursement & Business entertainment reimbursement paid to Non Executive Director attract Service Tax or not.


15 July 2014 at 15:15


A partnership firm has bought an immovable property and paid TDS on purchase consideration during Q1, FY 2014-2015. Whether the firm has to file TDS Return and if yes , which form is applicable (like Form 26Q) ?

15 July 2014 at 15:14

Regularisation of additonal director

One pvt company having three directors and all ofare additional director,Out of three Directors Two Directors are Additional Dairector Since 2008 and other Since 2012. Please Tell me the Procedure to Regularise them and Resolution if any.