Easy Office
LCI Learning

04 July 2014 at 19:22


can minor sign declaration under section 10(5) of FEMA 1999

Sudarshan Chouki

Dear Sir.. Companies Act 2013 Is Going to Appliacble in IPCC Syllabus??? if yes then From Which attempt Onwards???

04 July 2014 at 19:05

Company audit

what the relavant points should consider while doing company audit?

Ram Ahivale
04 July 2014 at 19:02


can we reduce directors salary due to not able to pay the tds on directors remunaration???

04 July 2014 at 18:59

Tax credit mismatch

I recently filed my Income tax return on the incometax e-filing site.
I have claimed TDS amount in my return according to Form 26AS and Form 16A.
To my surprise after uploading my return the e-filing site shows a Tax credit mismatch for the claimed amount.
I fail to undertand why this mismatch has occured when the TDS amount claimed is exactly same as per 26AS & 16A records.
Please help !

vijay thite
04 July 2014 at 18:51

Roc intimation

appointment of auditors intimation to ROC for year ended 2014 is mandotory?

04 July 2014 at 18:41


if IT return filled manually then what is procedures for tracking refund amt. is their any online systems ?

04 July 2014 at 18:07

Tax audit

one of my client is a proprietor and tax audit is applicable to him. he has a propritory business and have personal interest income. he has prepared two balance sheets one for business and other for his personal income.
now my question is

1. wether all the income is clubbed for calculting tax audit limit i.e busineess income and his personal interest income.

2. wehther tds provision apllicable for hispersonal interest income and personal interest payment which he used for personal purpose.

3. if he audits his account as per section 44ad then what procedure to be followed.

reply fast its urgent

thank u


Dear Sir/ Madam,

I have query. I am availing tax exemption of Interest and principle of my home on property situated at Virar. I am not staying there. It is vacant. I am staying in Mumbai on rent.
Can I take benefit of HRA exemption as well as my home loan interest principle benefit?

Ravi Mehra
04 July 2014 at 17:58

Tds on salary

Is it possible that two different companies deduct "TDS On Salary U/s 192" for the same time for same person ?

I would appreciate if you can ref any previous case law.

Ravi Mehra