Viral Shah
22 July 2014 at 18:20

Tax audit turnover

I have a client who is having Franchise of a telecom company. He deals in Recharge coupons . He gets commission for sale of coupons which is arnd 40 lacs. Now he further more passes on 50% commission to the Retailer who gets recharge from him. Now being a commission Agent , His turnover will be 40 lacs or 20 lacs(after passing on 50% commission to Retailer) if he wishes to go for presumptive taxation and wishes to offer 8% Income in his tax return...Plz guide asap

22 July 2014 at 18:17

Eligibility for direct entry

hello sir,
My one friend scored 67.57% in &aggregate 57.93% in (all Six terms), but in final certificate he had "C" Grade i.e. 50.00%-54.99%.

He already completed his ITT & OT Training.
Now he is dilemma, what to do?
Pls Suggest its urgent

22 July 2014 at 18:07


whether interest earned from sardar sarovar narmada nigam limited taxable

22 July 2014 at 17:56

Form 23 c

I have filed form 23 C on 26 th June 2014 and challan of Rs 20,000 has been paid against it for the appointment of Cost Auditor for the FY 2014-15 of my company and after that it has come that form 23 C is not required to be filed .And status of my form is still Work in progress .So ,I am not getting how to proceed .and how to get refund .
All are requested to kindly guide .
22 July 2014 at 17:43


any one can tell me that what is po compliance --urgent

22 July 2014 at 17:41

Iec application

Is it Mandatory to register under VAT for applying IEC Code? Can individual register with PAN alone?

prabha n g
22 July 2014 at 17:26

Deffered tax

hiii Can anyone explain me about deferred tax liability


Dear Sir, we are 100% Export Unit ,we have to purchase Printing Machine under CT 3 But Party Sending Proforma Invoice With Packing Charge and charging Excise Duty on packing charges also in proforma invoice

is this correct please guide

Kishan Joshi
22 July 2014 at 17:24

Interest to partner u/s 40(b)

Interest to partner allowable is 12% per annum simple interest. And if paid more than 12% then it is disallowed to the firm.

But the question is on which 12% calculated?
Whether it is on Openning Capital or Average Capital or Closing Capital?

22 July 2014 at 17:18

Error in form inc 22

I have submit the INC-7,12 and 22 and received from MCA following mail please suggest possible action. I have already write the address of Register office of Company.
""This is to inform you that in term of Rule 10 of the Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Rules, 2014, the above-cited Form INC-7,Form INC-22,Form DIR-12 dated 03-07-2014 filed vide SRN .......... has been examined and marked as Invalid and Not been taken on record with the following remarks-
as already requested to give complete address of registered office in INC 22 but still complete address. hence documents treated invalid and not been taken on record.

This is a MCA21 system generated mail for your information and necessary action. Please do not reply to this mail.
Important Note -
Please track the status of your transaction at all times till it is finally disposed off by the Registrar. (Please refer rule 10 of the Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Rules, 2014)
As per Regulation 2(5) of Regulation 17 of the Companies Regulation, 1956; such document maybe rectified only through fresh filing with payment of fee and additional fee, as applicable, without prejudice to any other liability under the Act.
