Renu Mishra

Iam going to give pcc exams for the first time in this november 2010.Is it true that November 2010 is the last attempt for PCC students and afterwards they will have to convert into IPCC.

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15 May 2010 at 17:15

Secondment of Articles

Refer to the following provisions of Regulation 54 regarding secondment of articles:

1.A principal, with the consent of the articled assistant, may depute the latter for training for a period not exceeding six months to a member eligible to engage and train an articled clerk or articled assistant or apprentice, by whatever name called, under the bye-laws of an institution or body etc. set up in the respective countries under the relevant Statutes.

2.The articled clerk shall be seconded only to a member who is entitled to train one or more articled clerks in his own right or to a member in industry who is entitled to train one or more industrial trainees.

3. The member to whom the articled clerk is seconded will not be entitled to train more than two such clerks on secondment at a time.

(a) The maximum period of secondment shall be one year which may be served with a single eligible member.
(b) The Council may permit secondment with more than one such member provided the minimum period of secondment shall be four months and the aggregate period served on secondment with such members shall not exceed one year.

In point 1 it is mentioned that max. period of secondment shall be 6 months under 1 principal where as in point. 4 a. it specifies that one may be seconded under a principal for 1 year..

What is the exact term of secondment????

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Aman Ahamad
11 May 2010 at 14:40

transfer of articleship

Can i take transfer of Articleship, does institute allowed one termination in whole of articleship period, and what is the procedure for termination, what condition have to full-fill for temination.
pls tell me in details

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10 May 2010 at 14:19

Student Journal & magazine


I am not getting Student Journal & magazine from last 4Month though I have paid Rs.500 seperately for the same.

How do I loged complaint for the same by On-line?

Best Regads

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The value of clearance is below the exemption limit( 150 lacs) for last 3 years. I want to surrender the registration certificate under Rule 9 of C.E.Rules. Pls let me know the procedures and Notification No.

S P Dinda

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07 May 2010 at 13:24


Dear Sir,

I have recently got the news that all the ammendments made by U.P.Agrawal regarding transfer in articleship has been removed completely and ols rules have again come into implementation. Kindly let me know the real picture whehter the news are true or rumors?



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06 May 2010 at 22:21


hello friends..
can anybody doing from du & who is just giving 2nd yr exams can mail me ques papers to my mail id
shall be highly thankful

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Can anybody help me out. Tax rates applicable for 2010 delhi university bcom hons 3rd year exams

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Akhil Gupta
30 April 2010 at 17:53

FOR NOV 2010


I have last given my exam for CA final in May 2005. Second Group is already cleared in Nov 2002. Now after a gap of around five years I plan to restart my preparation for First group again. I need ur help in this regard. My Queries are

- Whether the decision is viable at this stage when I am married having two daughters and aged around 32 Years?

- Whether I should shoud prepare under new syllabus or under old syllabus?

- If I opt to give exams under new syllabus whether the second group is assumed to be cleared or I have to again relclear the same under new syllabus?

- What are the strategies to be followed for preparation.

Please help as there is a considerable gap in my studies and I am a bit nervous.

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30 April 2010 at 11:23

tax may 2010

what is the amount of perquisite taxable in case of motor car, applicable for may 2010 exam?
pls reply soon...
thanks in advance

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