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full commentry & case law regarding the scetion 293 sub dection d of company act 1956

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Suresh Jain

My client X is holding 20% shares in Y co. in which X is Director.

X wants to sell its shareholding to other existing shareholders in the co.

What shopuld be the valuation of shares of X in Y co.

Y co. is doing IT business for last 15 years. It has resrves of around 8 crores and turnover is around 100 cr.

What method should be adopted for valuation. Pl inform with some xamples. If any further questions pl do ask.


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parvinder singla
18 May 2009 at 11:55

CARO applicability

When does a CARO is to given in cash of Public and private limited companies.

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07 May 2009 at 22:44



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Pankaj Khodaskar
07 May 2009 at 15:26

Project Office

Whenever foreign co set up Project Office in India, it has to register itself with RoC and obtain Certificate of Establishment. What if the same foreign co sets up another Project Office? Does foreign co has to obtain fresh Certificate of Establishment or make amendments to the existing one? Which form is to be used for this purpose? Thanks

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ann thomas

pls forward a format of board resolution for director remuneration

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Monil Shah
06 May 2009 at 11:50

Section 217 as per companies Act

The section 217 is about the disclosures to be made in Board of Directors report.IS Section 217 applicable to Pvt Ltd co.IF yes,

Suppose chairman is other than MD and the salary paid to chairman is more than MD. Do we need to disclose the same in board report U/s 217(2A) and Notes to account of the company.

Please confirm

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05 May 2009 at 16:25

Category of Industries.


What is the definition of Large, Medium and Small scale industries and on what basis we have declared any industries as a large/medium/small industries, if investment what is the limit of investment for all.

Pls. guide me and if possible provide link of related department.

Bishnu Deo Sharma.

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Pradeep Kumar

A PVT Ltd Co was formed June 2008. The company has received FDI in August 2008, Rs 16 Lacs for which no Legal compliances have been made. The Company is in activity of Consulting Engineering and other Engineering related activites. My Question is that if Rs 16 Lacs received I show as FDI in Equity Capital, wherein Rs 10 shares are issued at a Premium of Rs 48, will it raise any problem. I have gone through the CCI Guidelines for Valuation of Shares:

Net Asset Value: Not applicable as this company has no latest audited Balance Sheet, and this is First Year.

Profit Earning Capacity Value: Not applicable as the method applies to Trading and Manufacturing Compnay, and this is a Consulting Engineering company

Market Value: N/a since Pvt Ltd Co

Fair Value: This method starts taking avg of First 2 methods, which are N/a

Kindly let me knw, if I go by the random issue price of Rs 58( FV 10 & Premium 48) will there be any non compliance

Thank You

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CA.Ritu Agarwal
22 April 2009 at 15:30

Bonus shares

what are the requirements/Provisions for issue of Bonus shares by a Public Unlisted Company. Please give in detail

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