15 December 2009 at 12:57

Appointment of Company Secretary

A company upon crossing Rs.5 crore paidup capital, it is mandatory that company should appoint a company secretary. What are the timelines for appointment of CS in such case and filing of form 32 to ROC.


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15 December 2009 at 12:53

SRN not being accepted

I had filed form 1, but filed form 32 & 18 seperately. Now when i am filing form 67 after scrutiny by ROC a messages is appearing as enter valid SRN. What should i do. which SRN should i qoute. can i submit form 67 manually? kindly guide me.

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Jagruti (CS)
08 December 2009 at 15:53

Issue of Compliance Certificate

During the year there was transfer of shares without issuing share certificate Also the certificate for shares already transfered is not made.

Now if Company want to get CC, can it be issued with the qualification for the same..


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05 December 2009 at 14:02

Reg - Transfer of Shares


A Pvt. Ltd Company has three Directors holding 200 shares of 1000 INR each (fully Paid ) as follows :-

Mr. R - 100 Shares
Mr. p - 50 Shares
Ms. S - 50 Shares

Now Mr. P & R want to transfer their share to Ms S
and a New Director Mr. E is appointed in the company without having any Share Capital.

What is the Procedure to Transfer of Shares of Mr. P and Mr. R to Ms. S.
and issue procedure for Mr. E

Pls Specify what are the Forms which need to be File With ROC
it Both Cases

also send me Transfer of Share Deed which need to be signed
pls mail it on -

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05 December 2009 at 13:27

Requirement of company secretary

Whether the statutory requirement of paid up share capital of Rs. 5 crores is applicable for appointment of Company secretaries by Government Companies? Pls do reply soon

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dear members

kindly clarify me on the following:

A private ltd company need to be declared as defunct. But where the directors(promoters) were not ready to indmenify or submit affidavit as they were on the stand that no where in the Cos. Act the directors are personally liable to crs. except when the members are reduced below the min. no. or when the directors have acted to defraud crs. They argue that the co. being an artificial person having its own legal personality is liable and not the directors as they have not given any personal guarantee.

Under which provisions of the Cos. Act, the directors cand be made liable?

How to apply for striking off the name of the co. from ROC register in the above case?

(The promoter directors were on the stand that when ROC on its own raises notice u/s 560 let the co be striken off. They have not filed AR and Balance sheet for the past 5 years.)



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shankar banerjee
30 November 2009 at 13:06

Filing of Charge for Auto Loan

Whether it is compulsory to file charge in form 8 with ROC for a vehicle purchased under Auto Loan scheme by hypothecation of the vehicle. There are practical difficulty is filing eform since ROC is using acrobat 7 version whereas others particularly pvt sectors bankers are using much higher version.

If not mandatory please state reasons, judicial pronouncements, case law reference, opinion of renowned authors

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28 November 2009 at 18:40

Loan from Holding co -urgent

Dear Experts,

Please advise whether a Private ltd holding co. can freely give loan to its pvt ltd. subsidiary co. if there are any restrictions, what are they


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CA Aditya

Sir, What is the provision if a company (pvt) fails to file forms 20B, 23AC, 23ACA within the stipulated time, but files it later paying the additional fees as prescribed ? Is it a criminal offence ? What liability arises on directors for such delay..? Please help. In urgent need of your suggestion.

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24 November 2009 at 12:33

defunct company - procedure

Dear members,

Kindly give me the procedure for declaring a private ltd company( voluntarily initiated by the company) defunct under Section 560 of the Companies Act, 1956 ?

What is the liability of directors after the co. being declared defunct?

thanks & regards,


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