27 March 2010 at 09:09

Company Incorporation


I would like to know what would be teh difference between Pvt Ltd Co and Ltd Co ( Closely Limited Co and not public limited ) in terms of company formation including no of directors, no of shareholders, minimum capital, etc.

ABC LTD ( Closely Limited )

Kindly suggest the options asap

Prashant Sawant

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Dear Sir/ma'am

The Facts are as follows:

Company A (Indian Company) is subsidiary of B Company (Foreign Company).
A co. has many Companies as group Companies.
B Co has appointed a delegate in India to supervise A Company and A Company's group Companies ( Entire Indian operations). That delegate is appointed as the Chairman for A Company and its group Companies. All the Companies are Public companies.


1) A Company wants to lend money to its group companies. Will the Section 295(1)(e) of Companies Act 1956 be applicable in this situation?? please help me with case laws.

Thank You.

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CS Ashish Jain
25 March 2010 at 11:50

Dividend Distribution

A Ltd. is a government company which has declared the dividend on its 4% Cumulative Preference Shares in the AGM held on 09/03/2010 and diposited the dividend amount in the dividend A/c on 14/03/2010 (within 5 days from declaration). On 16/03/2010 company received a letter form the Central Government directing the company not to pay any dividend to the shareholders because Central and State Government is providing grants to the Company for specific purposes.

Considering the directions of the C.G. Board of Directors in there meetind held on 22/03/2010 decided to write a letter to CG mentioning the fact that company has already declared the divided and it is bound to pay dividend within 30 days from the date of declaration.

Board of directors also decided not to pay dividend untill the further clarification of CG in this regard.

Now my question is (it is very unlikely to receive the clarification before the expiry of 30 days) in such situation after the expiry of 30 days whether compnay should hold the dividend amount in the dividend account or it should be transferred to the unpaid dividend account.

Please also advise me whether the decision of Board of Directors to hold the payment of dividend is correct.

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devang doshi
24 March 2010 at 15:18

agriculture by firm

whether a partnership firm can take agricultural land ?

is it necessary that one or more or all of the partner should be the registered agri. land holder ?

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nikhil bapat

Hello friedns

I need ur opinion on the following matter :

A listed company has invested in a partnership firm as a partner. The capital account of the Company in the books of the Firm shows an overdrawn balance as at the date of balance sheet of the Company.
What would be the appropriate disclosure in the Company's balance sheet as per Sch VI?

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aditi daga
16 March 2010 at 12:36

default in filing balance sheet

Our company has not filed Balance sheet for continous period of 5 years. Now we want to voluntarily file a petition with CLB for condonation of delay u/s 621 .

Do we have to file petition for all 5 yrs separately or 1 petition for all 5 yrs would be enough?

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Krishna Marathe
10 March 2010 at 11:43

Partnership Firma Name & Pvt Limited

We are having partnership Firm form 3 years, but we noticed that somebody in last month trying to register our firm name by adding PVT LTD What is legal status, pls advise send email srk1261@gmail.com

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we are a company regd under sec 25 ( with limited liability )of the Companies Act with a Capital outlay of Rs 40 crore and main object being to promote the system of discharge of the treated effluent water . We have a query and need to know :

1.What provision governs the contribution from the memebrs of the Company on account of membership fees .

2. Can we also accept deposits (interest free) and if yes ,what are the related provisions governing the deposit acceptance.

3. Can we also take unsecured loans from the members ( Interest free) which are repayable to them out of the contribution recd.from members.

4. We will receieve capital subsidy from the govt . Can the loans from members be repaid out of the capital subsidy recd from the govt.

Pls give your expert opinion the sited queries.

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25 February 2010 at 13:30

FDI through Automatic route

Pvt. Ltd. has received as investment in the form equity partly of the company from PROPI in last financial year but not alloted the share till date and intimate about remittance to RBI within 30 thirty day from the receipts of foreign money. As per agreement,rest amount has not been received from PROI after many times reminder and notice. How and what procedure is forfeiture the amount of money receipts in way of foreign money? What intimate to RBI about the above mentioned matter.

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16 February 2010 at 12:05

LLP required NBFC registration

LLP required registration as a Non banking financial company for deal in business of loans and advances acquisition of shares/ debentures/bonds that are issued by the government or any other local authority under the government. As these are deals in shares, bonds, loans, debentures, chit business and insurance business.

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