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One of Our company is paying railway freight on booking of railway wagons for transport of coal. Please clarify whether service tax is to be paid on this freight.
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Dear Sir, I want to know who can claim Input Tax Credit and what will be the answer incase of Ser. Tax. on transportation. If the Company's Ser. Tax is deducted in advance then how can it claim input tax credit? I will be tankfull for reply.
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hi all,
i want to know on which items i.e. telephone, couries, other services on which we can claim input credit of service tax & under which section that is covered
urgent pls. resolve this querry asap
Vipan Kumar
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a co(xyz) has been incorporated on 26th march 2007. it is a franchisee of airtel voucher. the service tax is paid by airtel itself. my query is whther the company (xyz) is required to file the return or the return shall be filed by the airtel itsef. and if return has to be filed by xyz then what will be the penalt. because the co has not got registerd under the service tax act. please advice me.
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my client got payment for services only and his customer refuses to give service tax to him. so he had reversed the entry for service tax.. is it valid?
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a company is providing taxable service as well as product sale.please tell me whether company can take 100% cenvat credit of service tax paid on common input service like bank charges,security service,professional charges ,telephone bill or can take only 20% cenvat credit. The company is not maintaining separate books of accounts.
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please tell me the date of applicability of notification no. 7/2008 dated 01/03/08 regarding increase of rate from 2% to 4% ,whether it is applicable w.e.f 01/03/2008 or will be applicable w.e.f. published in official gazette
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Is service tax payable on commissions earned by an agent on rail tickets where:
i.the rail jorney is in India, and commissions received from Indian Railways;
ii. the rail jorney is in India, and commissions received from customer;
iii.the rail jorney is abroad (e.g. Eurorail) , and commissions received from an agency abroad?
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Whether holder of BSNL franchisee is liable for payment of service tax on commission paid by BSNL to such franchisee, even if BSNL chages the service tax on gross value of prepaid vouchers?
If they are not liable for paymen of service tax then kindly quote the relevant case law, if any.
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pls let me know accounting code for payment of late fee under section 70 of the finance act 1994 for delay in filing of half yearly return of service tax
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)
Survey, Search and Seizure under Income Tax Act 1961
Applicability of Service tax on Railway freight