Poonawalla fincorps

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18 May 2016 at 12:57

Krishi kalyan cess aplicability

Dear sir/madam,

1) We are billed on 10-05-2016 & for these bill amounts will be received after 01-06-2016, is Krishi Kalyan Cess applicable if payment received after 01-06-2016 ?
2) We are going to rise the bill on 31-05-2016, Payment will receive after 01-06-2016. IsKrishi Kalyan Cess chargeable if bill received before 01-06-2016?

Please help me

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Reverse charge in case of manpower supply What is the rate of percentage & what will be the input credit on it?

CA. Sanjay Kumar Akar
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18 May 2016 at 12:23

Rcm on man power

Dear All,
Can anyone tell me that , a proprietorship firm is providing us some man power like doctors and employees , and he is not registered with Service tax.

Our company is liable to pay service tax under RCM?

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18 May 2016 at 12:22

Corporate or not

Dear Expert,

AOP is a body corporate or not please explain for Man power supply receiver point.

S Rameshkumar

Rajkumar Gutti
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18 May 2016 at 12:13

Service tax on ocean freight

We are importing & exporting trading goods ( Poultry feed supplement) from abroad.
said goods comes in India by ocean transport -Heavy Good & light goods by Air craft.

In above services can we ( Consignee-Body Corporate) are liable to pay service tax
on ocean freight ,& air craft freight. If yes on what amount, & are there any abateement for freight charges.

You are requested to guide us.

Thanking You,

Rajkumar Gutti

Ravindra Mohanty
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18 May 2016 at 12:08

Liability of service tax


Since the degree or course recognized by Foreign Law in force is not exempted would it mean that payments remitted/paid outside India for student enrolled in foreign university and availing education/tution in university abroad say Australian University at Australia or Dubai is liable for service tax?

Is my belief that Indian Government would have no jurisdiction to levy tax on service availed abroad correct?

It may also be considered that the service availed would be actually by Parent/s in most cases [unless student self finances if permissible so while stay abroad as NRI during studies] who pays for the same whether child [student] is minor or adult [being non-earining in most cases].

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17 May 2016 at 21:13

Rcm- finance act 2016

The recent amendment made vide Finance bill 2016 states :
"A condition mandating inclusion of cost of fuel in the consideration for availing abatement on the services by way of
renting of motor-cab is being prescribed with effect from 1st April, 2016."

Kindly clarify the meaning of the phrase "inclusion of cost of fuel in consideration"

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17 May 2016 at 17:35

Aplicabilty of kkc

Dear sir/madam,

1) We are billed on 10-05-2016 & for these bill amounts will be received after 01-06-2016, is Krishi Kalyan Cess applicable if payment received after 01-06-2016 ?
2) We are going to rise the bill on 31-05-2016, Payment will receive after 01-06-2016. IsKrishi Kalyan Cess chargeable if bill received before 01-06-2016?

Please help me

Utpal mehta
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17 May 2016 at 16:33

service tax

is there any clause in income tax for refund of service tax deducted from the income of mutual fund distributors? if so what is the procedure to claim the same

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17 May 2016 at 16:06

Service tax on mfg. jobworker

we are mfg. m/c part and same mfg. m/c part purchase in other company and sales (mfg./trading) activity our turnover not more than 15 to 20 Lacs yearly we are not required excise number and second we are done other exciseable unit jobwork and non exciseable unit jobwork only for machining.

my query is 1. can i charges service tax on jobwork if yes what is limit service tax on jobwork which is done by us (exciseable and Non exciseable unit)
2. in jobwork we are only machining on M/c part we are not add any rawmaterial in jobwork process can i charges service tax
3. if we are any raw material use in jobwork process what is service tax charges required
4. above said point what is service tax impact in exciaeable and non exciseable unit for our side

thanking you