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LCI Learning

Y.R.Purushothama Reddy
25 August 2021 at 18:50

Foreign Receipts


is service tax payable on foreign receipts from brother


Dear Sirs,
Can any one of you provide me with a copy of Vakalatnama for appearing for Service Tax Appeal hearing with Commissioner of CGST.

Is there any court fee stamp or any other stamp to be affixed on the Vakalatnama.

Thank you.

Sharan KB

Dear sir/madam,

case goes like this.

1st Leg:
X-company initially enters a contract with BWSSB (Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board) which is Governmental Authority.

2nd Leg:
where X-company further executes sub-contract to Y-company partially.

Here who is eligible for exemption under Service Tax under theNotification No. 25/2012-Service Tax dated- 20th June, 2012, para 12A(a) a civil structure or any other original works meant predominantly for use other than for commerce, industry, or any other business or profession;

Whether both dealer eligible Service Tax exemption?

Contract work is underlaying pipeline.
where contract agreement contains as agreement for replacement/rehabilitation does these words constitute as Original works as provided under above cited notification?

Thank You in advance !

M. Ramesh
02 August 2021 at 20:32

Agriculture product

Dear Sir/Madam,
Please confirm whether Agriculture product (Wheat) is exempted from service tax for CHA (Customs House Agent).

Ramesh M


we are sub contractor doing construction of various individual residential units as per the instruction of our principle contractor whether service tax was applicable to us ?

ks Kala

My issue is regarding 2 Cover Open Tender: COVER-1 is Signed Technical Bid comprising Technical aspects of the services offered and "Un-priced Schedule which shows "Rate inclusive of all taxes (to be entered by the bidder)" (Do not quote the rate here). COVER-2 Encrypted BOQ Templated - Price Schedule (must not be modified/replaced, else liable to be rejected for this tender). Basic Rate to be entered by the Bidder in Rs. " Total Amount without Taxes" Kindly Clarify as to whether invoice to be submitted "With Taxes OR without Taxes"? May kindly be clarified.

Read more at: https://www.caclubindia.com/experts/unpriced-technical-price-schedule-tax-terms-vs-encrypted-boq-price-schedule-2845289.asp

ks Kala


Learned Experts may kindly be clarified the following:

Signed NIT Technical Unpriced Schedule Format (zero value) indicate "Rate inclusive of all Taxes. (Do not quote the rates here, to be wuoted in online CPPP).

Encrypted BOQ Price Schedule (This BOQ Template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevant columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender.

Learned Experts may kindly be advised as to whether the invoice submitted for" inclusive of tax OR exclusive tax.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards, snmurthykala@gmail.co

ks Kala

Sub: Un-priced Technical Price Schedule vs Encrypted BOQ Template Price Schedule – Taxation Clause – Request – Reg.


Humble request to Experts for clarification on the issue of Tax applicability Clause:

Ours is a small scale MSME laboratory established by unemployed Graduate Brothers in Vizag district running on shoe-string budget. We were awarded AMC work by one institution during Dec 2020. Against submission of 1st Quarterly Tax Invoice, the approving authority replied that “As per the Agreement Page no: 38 &39 All quoted rates are inclusive of GST and the same were accepted by you. In this regard kindly submit the revised invoice with inclusive of GST Amount”.

In order to facilitate, kindly find below the contents of pre-existing factors for your kind perusal.


Sl. Item Descrip- Qty Units Rate inclusive Total Amt inclusive Total Amt
tion of all taxes of all taxes in words

(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevant columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender)

Sl. Item Descrip- Qty Units Estima Basic Rate Total Amt Total amount
tion ted Rate in fig to be Without in words
entered by taxes in
the Bidder Rs. P

During this pandemic situation services rendered for “EXCLUSIVE OF TAXES“ would become a great blow on our financial stature. It may kindly be noted that Technical Bid document page 6 wherein it was indicated that “ Please note that Rates should not be quoted in the Technical Bid. Only Commercial Bid should indicate rates and should be uploaded on e-procurement portal."

Learned Experts are requested for issue of suitable directions since Rates Quoted on the basis of BOQ Price Schedule (without Taxes) Clause. Your valuable directions not only helps us to come across financial crisis but also helps us to render services without any encumbrances.

Look forward to receiving your valuable suggestions. Thanking you Sir, in advance.

Best regards,
Yours faithfully,


02 June 2021 at 16:20


we were engaged in the business of construction of individual residential units with use of material and labour during FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17, whether service tax was applicable to us ??


Respected Sir,
If any job work is done for export oriented units or any job is done for agricultural industries those industries which are 100% export oriented units, whether such job work is fully exempted from service tax

Answer Query