Will the immplementation of GST, in any way affect the parallel No. 2 business in indian economy?
Is their any procedure in GST to track the parallel business or does it depend only on individualls to get their mind change for parallel business?
I want to know ki whether for Nov'2010 CA Final exam VAT will be applicable or GST
Do we have to obtain state wise registration or one single registration will work in all states after GST implementation?
Whether GST will be included in the syllabus for november,2010 attempt of C.A Finals???
Will implementation of GST affect current The Central Excise Act, 1944 & Custom Act or not.
please confirm whether GST would be applicable in CA Final Nov2010 or not
We are an EOU and we have purchased local material against CT-3 Form. Now we want to return this material.
Can anyone provide me the procedure for the same.
From which date GST will be applicable?
Is it from 01.04.2010 ?