Can we avail Input Tax credit for purchase of Capital goods if we also claim depreciation as per I.T Act & Rules of the said assets on the gross value ( for depreciation purpose) ?
is it true....taxpayers paying tax on the basis of reverse charge under GST are not eligible for composition scheme.
Dear sir
Our company deals in Car Rental and given Cars to other companies on Lease Rent basis without fuel cost and driver.
What rate of gst should we charge on our bills.
Balance in Input SGST Rs.600/-
Output IGST Payable Rs.400/-
Output CGST Payable Rs.100/-
Output SGST Payable Rs.300/-
How the amount of Input IGST will be utilized for the payment of Output IGST,CGST & SGST
Dear Sirs, my company is doing industrial catering in sez unit companies. previously we charged 2% vat on food and drink sales. Now is they applicable for Gst? Thanks in advance.
Dear sir, Can you tell me please what is the gst rate for industrial caterers? Thanks in advance.
I am a importer . i import a shipment in the m/o june 2017. i paid basic duty Rs. 108000. and cvd 12.50% Rs. 125000.00 & addl. duty 4% paid by me Rs. 13500/- if i hold whole quantity as closing stock on dtd. 30.06.2017. then how much i can claim itc on above stock. pls explain in detail. can i claim only 4% addl. duty as itc or claim itc 12.5 % cvd + 4% addl. duty.
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies
stock ni hand